
  1. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Facing the Most Exciting Times! ~ June 8, 2011

    It is time to throw yourself fully into your efforts to bring Light to the Earth. There is clearly not far to go now, and you face the most exciting times as duality closes down. It will depend on how you see the end-times taking place, as they bring you to the point of Ascension. There...
  2. Denise

    April 20th update-attacks on Matthew and SaLuSa

    SaLuSa 20–April-2011 Dear Ones, Michael wonders whether I will mention the attacks upon myself and Matthew, and I will because it would seem odd to you if I did not. In one sense such matters do not need any response at all, as any Lightworker may be subjected to attacks from the dark Ones...
  3. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Michael Quinsey ~ 13 April 2011

    We say again what wonderful souls you all are and we admire your dedication to see out the challenges that have been presented to you. Having been separated from your Higher Self by the veil of forgetfulness, you have still found the Light within and proceeded to make your way back to full...
  4. Unhypnotized

    A Wanderer’s Handbook - The New ET Questionnaire

    A Wanderer’s Handbook - The New ET Questionnaire Your Childhood Did you often think about, daydream, or fantasize about ETs, UFOs, and other worlds? Did you feel like ordinary things around you were somehow strange, like the human body, the color of the sky, trees and nature, human...
  5. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ The necessity of changes bring great benefits (21-3)

    Events move on towards the inevitable changes that will see your future fulfilled. These are not easy times but you knew that part of your experiences would include this period. Your confidence in the outcome arises from your faith in us and the Creator, and the many higher Beings that have...
  6. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ The necessity of changes bring great benefits (21-3)

    Events move on towards the inevitable changes that will see your future fulfilled. These are not easy times but you knew that part of your experiences would include this period. Your confidence in the outcome arises from your faith in us and the Creator, and the many higher Beings that have...
  7. Denise

    SaLuSa: We cannot help you unless you are prepared to help yourselves (18-3)

    Contact: We cannot help you unless you are prepared to help yourselves (18-3) SaLuSa 18-March-2011 As the full affects of the earthquake are being felt in Japan, so it is focusing people’s attention upon it due to the vast damage, loss of life and potential for even more after shocks...
  8. Denise

    SaLuSa: Contact: We cannot help you unless you are prepared to help yourselves (18-3)

    Contact: We cannot help you unless you are prepared to help yourselves (18-3) SaLuSa 18-March-2011 As the full affects of the earthquake are being felt in Japan, so it is focusing people’s attention upon it due to the vast damage, loss of life and potential for even more after shocks...
  9. funbunz29

    Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' Is 'Glee'-Bound

    Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' Is 'Glee'-Bound Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' Is 'Glee'-Bound 10 CommentsBy Christine Fenno Posted Jan 9th 2011 10:49AM Print this page|EmailShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on DiggShare on Lifestream The producers of 'Glee' have paid homage to Lady Gaga before...
  10. Denise

    Expect disclosure to become worldwide within the first quarter of this coming year!

    SaLuSa 29-December-2010 ;) As you approach the New Year, you are to all intents and purposes bidding goodbye to the old systems of control and containment. They are about to collapse, as they no longer carry the power to sustain them for much longer. You are therefore looking back on the...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Maya Angelou reads her poem "And Still I Rise"

    Here is an uplifting poem from an Earthmother: Maya Angelou:
  12. Unhypnotized

    Walgreens announces flu shot gift card; give the “gift” of a vaccine

    Mike Adams Natural News Aug 19, 2010 Summer isn’t even over yet and the big push for the mass vaccination of the entire population is already under way. The CDC started the push by recently urging vaccine shots for everyone — including infants, pregnant women and immune-compromised people...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Depleted Uranium hazards and the Surprising Solution from Fungi

    Warning - Some of the videos contain pictures of the effects of depleted uranium on babies. If you find them too upsetting go directly to page two to read and view the videos which show the solutions in fungi - very uplifting!! ====================================================== Anny...
  14. day

    Near death experience with Betty Eadie on C2C

    NDE -Betty Eadie on C2C 1/13/04 Betty Eadie on C2C Tuesday, January 13, 2004 with George Noory :feathers: Betty J. Eadie is Lakota :Fire: part 1 of 11 http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Near+death+experience+with+Betty+Eadie+on+C2C+&search_type=&aq=f double click for playlist...
  15. R

    Love is the cement of the universe

    Love is the cement of the universe December 5, 2009 Love leads the way and lit the path, love is the pervasive influence of the light, listen to the Buddha, the Christ light in the heart of the universe - that love works in which gods and men, and teaches us to recognize beauty when we see...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Kseniya Simonova's Amazing Sand Drawings - You MUST see this!!!

    Kseniya Simonova's Amazing Sand Drawing A mindblowing and uplifting 8 minute clip. Start watching it and i guarantee you will still be watching it right thru to the end! Way cool! Enjoy!
  17. R

    Earth Pilgrim, an Uplifting documentary

    Earth Pilgrim, an Uplifting documentary Tuesday, March 3, 2009 Satish Kumar let us see our connection with nature. A very beautiful and impressive reportage Kumar of that nature / God called and God / nature...
  18. R

    Steps to a good relationship: the 7 spiritual laws

    Steps to a good relationship: the 7 spiritual laws Monday, February 16, 2009 In the past relationships were entered into for life, which costs should remain. Often, those partners do not agree or little, before they were married. Today we see the other extreme, many people prefer to break...
  19. day

    Something Funny Halariously cute: Simons Cat

    have a chuckle or two ...lol...
  20. day

    Dr Horowitz and Medicine Wolf Sacred Teachings

    An amazing uplifting enlightening discussion between Dr. Len Horowitz & Medicine Wolf. Leonard George Horowitz (a.k.a., Dr. Len Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M, D.M.M.) has come full circle over the past 30 years beginning and triumphing in natural healing. A "World Leading Intellectual,"...