
  1. 100th Monkey

    Wisconsin Government Wants Volunteers to Wear 'White Guilt' Bracelets

    Published on Mar 13, 2013 http://www.infowars.com/govt-wants-vo... Has political-correctness gone too far? In Wisconsin, volunteers in AmeriCorps are encouraged to cope with their "white privilege" by wearing a white bracelet, while reminding themselves to examine their status in society and...
  2. Denise

    A mass shooting at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin

    Another mass Shooting in the US: More here: Gunman, six others dead at Wisconsin Sikh temple
  3. D

    Mysterious Booms in Wisconsin and Michigan possible explantion

    Well, I knew there was something more then just an earthquake going on. Never heard of the "Back Forty Project". I wasn't able to go to the links because I'm not registered. But, I thought this may be of interest to some who have been hearing the boom noises. Even I knew after 3 days of research...