Mysterious Booms in Wisconsin and Michigan possible explantion


New member
Well, I knew there was something more then just an earthquake going on. Never heard of the "Back Forty Project". I wasn't able to go to the links because I'm not registered. But, I thought this may be of interest to some who have been hearing the boom noises. Even I knew after 3 days of research that no way that USGS came up with an answer that fast, as to the cause or explanation of it all. Interesting read for those interested.

Wisconsin Mystery Booms, Earth Shaking & Michigan Cracks! In Depth Report!
Whats Really Going On In Wisconsin & Michigan?

Wisconsin Mystery Booms, Earth Shaking & Michigan Cracks! In Depth Report!

These are questions that has been on many peoples minds lately.

Strange noises being heard in Clintonville, Wisconsin may not be as mysterious as once thought. And we will get to that here in a moment. And it may also explain another mystery that has had people scratching their heads about that infamous CRACK in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Firstly, lets go back and have a run down of events...

Back in October of 2010 a very large crack was discovered on Birch Creek Road in Menominee County in Michigan.

"600-foot-long crack, 4-feet deep twisting its way through the woods - and those vertical trees are now pointed 30 degrees left and right where the earth has mounded 15 feet high."