14 FEB 2011 - Spotted in a cliff face in Cornwall, UK


Truth feeder

'Virgin Mary' spotted in cliff face by startled tourist
A holidaymaker was stunned when she took a photograph of a craggy coastline and captured this spooky image - of the Virgin Mary.

Read more: www.metro.co.uk/weird/857120-virgin-mary...f-face#ixzz1GhgO5HL5

An apparition of the Virgin Mary? (Picture: SWNS)

The hooded figure is seen holding her arms out-stretched in a cradling action sheltered beneath rocks at Newquay's Western Beach, Cornwall.

Caroline and Stephen Gray were walking along the coastline
on Valentine's Day when they stopped to pose for a series of holiday snaps.

But Caroline, 38, was speechless when the couple returned home
and studied the digital camera to spot a clear image of the Virgin Mary,
which she insists was not present when she took the picture.

And now the receptionist, from Chester, Cheshire,
believes the photo could spark a rush of worshippers
to flock to the coastal resort to catch a glimpse of the religious icon.


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