900 Year Old Alien Skull Found To Contain DNA Not Of This Earth


THE STARCHILD SKULL is a genuine 900-year-old bone skull found in Mexico in the 1930s. The Starchild Project is an informal organization which began in 1999 when Ray and Melanie Young, the owners of the Starchild Skull, asked Lloyd Pye to head research efforts to determine what caused the unusual shape and properties of the bone.

The results uncovered by the research team ruled out all known deformities, and presented the scientific community with a genetic and physical profile never before seen on Earth.

Now new DNA findings indicate that the Starchild Skull may well be “alien”! Now all that remains is to determine whether alien means “foreign to normal human genetics within the framework of that subject as it is currently understood,” or “definitely not from planet Earth”…. or something in between

For more info http://www.starchildproject.com/study2004.htm
Starchild Skull is Alien [Latest DNA tests]!

In 2011 the geneticist working on the Starchild Skull discovered that its mtDNA (the part of DNA passed only through the maternal line) was radically different from human DNA.

A classic depiction of a Grey Alien (left) and an artists' depiction of how the Starchild Skull would have looked in life (right)

The UFO crowd claim they have DNA proof that a skull found in 1930 is not human

"The starchild skull came into the possession of Lloyd Pye in February 1999, the skull was found around 1930 in a mine tunnel about 100 miles (160 km) southwest ofChihuahua, Mexico, buried alongside a normal human skeleton that was exposed and lying supine on the surface of the tunnel. Radiocarbon dating results conclude the skull is 900 years old + or – 40 years
In 2011 the geneticist working on theStarchild Skull discovered that its mtDNA (the part of DNA passed only through the maternal line) was radically different from human DNA.
The maximum number of mtDNA differences between all humans is 120. The Starchild Skull has between 800-1,000. This is a partial result, but it is enough to be definitive: the Skull’s mtDNA is not human" ...

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