A Sailor Laid to Rest


New member
A sailor was laid to rest today. Goodbye cousin. I love you. BTW, your brother John and I have a pact now. We're going to live forever, since your daughter refuses to accept any more family members dying. And the plate breaking thing? I so would have done eexactly the same thing. I'm glad you made it out of the Persian Gulf way back when.

Cat,I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, (would've responded sooner, but wi-fi acting up and just now staying steady enough by last night and this evening to make a proper post,) glad he could make out of the Persian Gulf too. It's hard to lose a family member, I've lost some of my small family over the years and can definately sympathsize.
Yes, those who serve should be thanked while living and honored when dead. It's sad the sacrifices beiing made by those families and the people who are willing to serve, in most often what's tough conditions. They are heroes.