Ancient Items That Shouldn't Exist

Truth Vibrations

New member
These are dubbed "The Acambaro Figurines" and appear to represent dinosaurs and other extinct animals that existed before humans. Man was not supposed to have existed with the dinosaurs so who made them?

While the figures appeared to be of ancient origin, their depictions were quite controversial and began to attract attention among skeptics in the scientific community. The Acámbaro figures portrayed not only dinosaurs but also unknown animals as well as those that had long been extinct. The figures also included camels and other animals not known to the area, as well as depictions of faraway cultures.

In 1972, carbon-14 analysis was made of various figures kept at the Museum of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. Laboratory tests showed that the objects were 5,000 years old. Four years beforehand at Isotopes Inc. in New Jersey, thermo-luminosity tests revealed that the approximate age was around 6,000 to 1,500 years old.

The archeologist and the regional director of the Acámbaro National Museum of Archeology enlisted various authorities to testify to the authenticity of the figures, including the paleontologist at the EUA Natural History Museum, naturalist Dr. Gaylord Simpson; Ivan T. Sanderson; and attorney/criminologist Erle Gardner.

Part of the problem is that we can't see past our own arrogance. We believe that because we JUST became technologically advanced, and we have "beliefs" about things that may or may not be true, that there is no possibility of things beyond what we believe and are taught to believe.

Whether human or alien or what-have-you, life existed here (and elsewhere) at another time. When we keep ourselves locked to a belief, we don't learn; we are stuck. Science is flawed.

None-the-less, it is an interesting find, if they are indeed real.
Part of the problem is that we can't see past our own arrogance. We believe that because we JUST became technologically advanced, and we have "beliefs" about things that may or may not be true, that there is no possibility of things beyond what we believe and are taught to believe.

Whether human or alien or what-have-you, life existed here (and elsewhere) at another time. When we keep ourselves locked to a belief, we don't learn; we are stuck. Science is flawed.

None-the-less, it is an interesting find, if they are indeed real.

Great thread, and you're right!
The human artists who fashioned those figures may have SEEN those dinosaurs in their own time frame... somehow been transported back to the proper age for dinosaurs... but when they returned to their own time frame the only way that they could describe what they had seen was to fashion the forms out of clay. It doesn't necessarily mean that the dinosaurs and humans were living at that same time and place.... normally... just that the figures represented forms that the artists SHOULD NOT HAVE KNOWN ABOUT... unless something extremely odd had happened.

There have been reports in other parts of the world of what might be called " Natural vortexes".

Could this have happened in this area?

Can you imagine what these artists experienced... and yet somehow they were able to return to their own timeline. How do you explain what you have seen? You make it in clay? Linda
Absolutely people would make things whether carved or shaped based on what they've seen with their own eyse. we see this all the time. My big question is, how do they know how old they relly are? Because I was under the understanding that cabon dating is flawed.

I believe the vortex thing, and time plays on those as well. I mean why couldn't a vortex transport something from another place and or time? What if it wasn't the people who transported through one of those and it was the creatures?