Anonymous Just Leaked a Trove of NSA Documents

Truth Vibrations

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Anonymous Just Leaked a Trove of NSA Documents

In the wake of last night's revelation that everyone in the world has a creepy NSA-shaped stalker, defenders of online liberty and generally angry internet people Anonymous have leaked a treasure trove of NSA documents, including seriously important stuff like the US Department of Defense's 'Strategic Vision' for controlling the internet.

The documents - 13 in total - were posted online, along with an accompanying message full of the normal Anonymous bluster: people won't be silenced, they have the memory of trivia-master elephants, the governments of the world will fall, your average press release really.

The documents seem to mostly relate to PRISM and supporting operations, and mostly date from around 2008, supposedly not long after PRISM first reared its ugly head. One of the key things Anonymous has highlighted from the documents is the existence of an "intelligence-sharing network" that shares data gleaned from PRISM with "intelligence partners" around the world. Although we're still in the process of combing through the documents, you can bet your last Bitcoin that 'intelligence' has been shared with British security services.

Hit up the documents for further details; just be warned that although this might look like the plot of a B-list movie starring Aston Kutcher, the docs themselves are incredibly dry and full of more acronyms whatever presentation you should be working on.

Anonymous message