Bases 37 Part 1 and 2

Truth Vibrations

New member
"Published on Jul 12, 2014
Max and Sarah in England continues. (Also Bases Update 12) Sarah last spoke formally to the Bases project at the Super Soldier Summit II, near Las Vegas in 2013. Here, filmed in Broadstairs, east Kent, England, Sarah gives some insight into why the kind abuses are happening, and what is behind the scenes. Sarah is further interviewed in part 3 of Bases 37, Sarah & Max in England.

Sarah also wishes to have Healing Centres for those who have suffered abuse in these terrible mind control, and super soldier, targeted individual type programs. The scale of the suffering in these areas being horrendous."

"Published on Jul 12, 2014
Max and Sarah in England continues with Max giving a highly detailed and analytical insight into the Committee of 300 and the ruling elite, with the Seen and Unseen controlling families and ETs that run Earth.

Earth is a prison planet, and we cannot leave (Physically). These detailed issues and more are covered, and expanded on in part 4, where the kinds of deals for fame and publicity in the music industry often result in the soul sacrifice of a singer's child, BEFORE birth. this highlights the fully satanic alien nature of the music and entertainment industries. So the level of child abuse cover up at the BBC should be of no surprise.'