Benajmin Fulford Aprill 22, 2014

Truth Vibrations

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Cabal split, unable to act despite deadline

It is now clear that the cabal that has ruled the West is in disarray and is unable to act despite a very real surrender deadline given to them. The European power brokers like the Pope and the Queen support world peace and a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. However, Rockefeller, Bush and the other American oligarchs are acting like deer frozen in the headlights, unable or unwilling to take action. The same can be said of the heads of the Pentagon and the agencies.

Let there be no doubt about it, the United States of America has degenerated into a rogue nation ruled by Satan worshipping gangsters and is the black hole from which most of the world’s misery emerges.

Removing the public face of the US oligarchy, Barack Hussein Obama, raises the question of “what do you replace him with?” If the heads of the military industrial complex do not act with a unified plan, the answer is likely to be chaos, turmoil and possibly even civil war in the US.

The best hope now lies with the State governments who now have the required two-thirds support to demand a conference to rewrite the constitution of the United States of America.

That conference could be used as the means to set up an interim government with the power to clean out the filth that festers in Washington D.C.

Also, talks with various factions within the US military industrial complex reveal a surprising amount of agreement on key issues. The problem seems to be one of egos and rival institutions vying for power rather than disagreement over what needs to be done.....

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