Benjamin Fulford, 2014-11-24

Truth Vibrations

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Pentagon ready to take action as US Nazionist rogue regime now totally isolated.
Posted by benjamin
November 24, 2014

The isolation of the US Nazionist rogue regime has reached the point where the Pentagon must act if it is to save the United States from chaotic regime collapse. Nowhere was this more clear than in the UN vote last week where only Canada, the United States and the Ukraine voted against a Russian led resolution condemning Nazi and other racist ideologies.

TASS: Russia - Ukraine, US, Canada do not back Russia-initiated UN resolution on heroization of Nazism

Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada and US President Barack Obama have signed their own arrest warrants with this open support for Nazi murderers. Obama underscored his support for the Nazis last week by authorizing sending $120 million worth of weapons to the Neo-Nazi militias in the Ukraine, according to US government sources. "Through Ireland, Boryspil Airport (near Kiev in the Ukraine) will receive thousands of rifles, rocket launchers and pistols," the US source said.

Reacting in disgust to the Obama rogue regime's murderous actions, the CIA has now mostly fallen under the control of a faction once headed by former CIA Director William Colby. Colby was murdered by the Bush Nazi Directorate of Operations faction of the CIA in 1996 but his supporters are now back in control, CIA and Pentagon sources say.

Last week they contacted the Pentagon Central Command and asked them to take action against the rogue Nazionist regime that has usurped power over the Republic of the United States of America.

The Pentagon top brass replied that they were pre-occupied with budget cuts and other matters and asked for a good reason why they should intervene in the US political process.

The first thing they need to be asked is if they even understand who they really work for. According to top bosses at the P2 Freemason Lodge who were, until recently, allied with the Nazionists, the US rogue government is now led by three people. These are...

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