Benjamin Fulford, February 4, 2014

100th Monkey

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Expect the fireworks to begin after the Lunar New Year’s celebrations end

Weekly geo-political news and analysis

The Lunar New Year’s holidays have begun and our sources say we can expect fireworks to start in the week starting on February 10th (If you are of the school that believes Monday is the first day of the week). In essence, the new Chinese government recognizes they have created a real estate bubble and have decided to take it down once the New Year’s work starts in earnest. This will have a ripple effect worldwide, especially on commodities markets that have grown dependent on Chinese demand.

Weather warfare is also continuing with the ongoing cold front in the US and the drought in California devastating US food supplies and bringing the US cattle herd down to its lowest size in 60 years.
Australia’s cattle herd is also being devastated by a drought and a newsletter reader managed to find proof of HAARP weather modification weaponry being used against Australia.

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There is also a lot of fighting going on under the surface in the banking world and it is connected to a concerted attack against J.P. Morgan, Skull and Bones and the Bush (Scherf, Pierce, Pecce) family. The mysterious deaths of three bankers last week were all connected to this battle, according to MI5 and other sources.

Gabriel Magee, the J.P. Morgan banker who died in London was an IT specialist dealing with Europe, the Middle East and Africa including Saudi Arabia. He worked on a market ‘predicive’ program which spots market movements. These are the closest to AI and generate huge profits. UK investigators suspect he was killed to silence him after he spotted and was about to blow the whistle on huge dollar transfers being made out of the BRICS countries.

William Broeksmit, the Deutschebank banker died after Deutschebank pulled out of.....

Full Report:

blogdog: Ben Fulford February 4, 2014 Expect the fireworks to begin after the Lunar New Year?s celebrations end