Benjamin Fulford, October 7, 2013

Truth Vibrations

New member
The cabal is down but not out, attack on all fronts until they surrender

The criminal corporate government of the United States missed an international payment deadline on September 30th and was given until October 17th to find the money or else be declared bankrupt. These are people who have been constantly murdering and looting the planet for hundreds of years and we must not waste the real, rare chance we have now to put them out of business forever.

Last week Skull and Bones murderer and cabal slave John Kerry plus traitor Chuck Hagel were in Korea and Japan looting local oligarchs’ money in order to try to save the Washington D.C. crime syndicate.

They were able to get enough money to put 400,000 civilian pentagon workers back on the payroll but not enough to stave off bankrupcty. We have confirmed from multiple direct pentagon and agency contacts that there is no military action planned to remove the criminals from Washington D.C. That is why we must not let ourselves be fooled again.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the political elite in Washington D.C. are hopelessly compromised and brainwashed so action against them will have to start at a local direct level.

Fortunately, humanity is awaking to the horror imposed upon them by the Satan worshipping elite that seized control of the United States and turned that once Christian nation into a mass murder machine. Victory will be ours.

blogdog: Benjamin Fulford The cabal is down but not out, attack on all fronts until they surrender October 7, 2013