Bolivian President Skyjacked


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Bolivia’s first indigenous president Juan Evo Morales has finally returned to La Paz on board his presidential jet. His jet, which took-off Moscow International Airport, was forced to landing in Vienna (Austria) on Wednesday after Zionist-controlled governments in Spain, France, Italy and Portugal barred the plane from entering their airspace under orders from Washington. Their lame excuse was that plane could be carrying American whistleblower Edward Snowden. Paris has apologized to Bolovia for its criminal action.

Austrian authorities searched Morales’ plane for Edward Snowden, but found no stowaways on board. Later, an embarrased Austrian Jewish president Heinz Fischer met Morales at Vienna International Airport on July 3. He told a news conference that Morales’ jet would resume its journey to Bolivia after refueling at the Canary Islands.

“The governments of France, Spain and Portugal must explain to the world the reasons behind this delay,” said Morales on his arrival at La Paz International Airport, adding that these actions were indicative of the “repressive policies” of some EU countries. Morales mocked the fact some governments believed Snowden could be on board, saying “this young man isn’t a suitcase that I can take with me to Bolivia.”

David Choquehuanca, the Bolivian Foreign Minister, refuted the idea Snowden was on the plane, saying “we don’t know who invented this lie, but we want to denounce to the international community this injustice with the plane of President Evo Morales.”

Interestingly, while United States has given refuge to former Bolivian president Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada, wanted for brutal government crackdown on protests against his government – Bolivian government is holding US Jewish citizen Jacob Ostreicher for the last two years on charges of money laundering. In March 2013, Morales accused Washington for poisoning president Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.

The truth behind this latest charade is Morales’ close ties with anti-USrael Latin American leaders and Iran’s outgoing president Dr. Ahmadinejad.

Morales claims that what happened was a pretext of the United States and its European partners “to intimidate” and teach Bolivia a lesson for its policies. “A pretext designed especially to try to silence us in a fight against the economic policies of plunder, against invasions, against policies of domination and intervention,” he said.

Presidents of Venezuela, Cuba and Argentina have condemned the EU nations for their terrorism against Morales.

Morales visited Iran in October 2010 to cement political and economic ties between the two nations. During his three-day visit, he payed a friendly football match with his Iranian counterpart, Dr. Ahmadinejad. Iranian president return the visit in June 2012.

Venezuelan-American lawyer and author, Eva Golinger, claims that Latin American nations have started rising against the US imperialism. “The 21st century is no longer the time when the US dominates Latin America or EU countries colonize Latin America. This is the dawn of a new era of Latin American sovereignty, dignity and independence. This (Morales’ skyjacking)would not have happened if it had been the plane of a European head of state,” she said.

In December 2011, Eva Golinger, said that the US and Israel were already in a covert war with the Islamic Republic. Watch the video below.

Bolivian President Skyjacked | Rehmat's World