'HUGE' Buddhist 'Endless Knot' Crop Circle even has the Skeptics baffled?

100th Monkey

New member
That must have taken forever! Intricate crop circles of Buddhist symbol for infinite time and wisdom appears in crop field

13 August 2012

This is the latest intricate crop circle to appear overnight in a British wheat field.

The mysterious pattern resembles the ancient Tibetan Buddhist symbol of an 'endless knot' - a complex loop of lines and circles used to illustrate the eternal flow of time.

The symbol has many meanings but because it has no beginning and no end many people who follow the religion say it represents the wisdom of Buddha.


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What The significance behind the Buddhist 'Endless Knot'?

The endless knot (Skt. shrivatsa; Tib. dpal be'u) is a closed, graphic ornament composed of right-angled, intertwined lines. It overlaps without a beginning or an end, symbolising the Buddha's endless wisdom and compassion. It indicates continuity as the underlying reality of existence. It is conjectured that it may have evolved from an ancient naga symbol with two stylized snakes.


The latter image signifies the dramatic interplay and interaction of the opposing forces in the dualistic world of manifestation, leading to their union, and ultimately to harmony in the universe. This fact is amply reflected in the symmetrical and regular form of the endless knot.

The intertwining of lines represents how all phenomena are conjoined and yoked together as a closed cycle of cause and effect. Thus the whole composition is a pattern that is closed on in itself with no gaps, leading to a representational form of great simplicity and fully balanced harmony.


Since all phenomena are interrelated, the placing of the endless knot on a gift or greeting card is understood to establish an auspicious connection between the giver and the recipient. At the same time, the recipient is goaded to righteous karma, being reminded that future positive effects have their roots in the causes of the present. This is because the knot represents a connection, a link with our fates, binding us to our karmic destiny. Not surprisingly, this is one of the most favorite symbols in Tibetan Buddhism, and often occurs on its own.

Here is another interpretations of the endless knot:

The auspicious drawing symbolises the mutual dependence of religious doctrine and secular affairs. Similarly, it represents the union of wisdom and method, the inseparability of emptiness and dependent arising at the time of path, and finally, at the time of enlightenment, the complete union of wisdom and great compassion.
