Lulin comet reached closest distance to earth Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Lulin comet reached closest distance to earth
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lulin comet, which in July 2007 in Taiwan was discovered today reached its smallest distance from the earth: 61 million kilometers. The green comet (C/2007 N3 officially called) is from a dark place just observation with the naked eye if you know exactly where to look. It is possible that the comet in the coming days will be brighter. He moves this week by the southern part of the constellation Leo, about the bright planet Saturn and the star Regulus. With binoculars, the hazy, pale green light spot certainly visible, and is perhaps also something to see the double tail of the comet.

Recent information on comet Lulin on the website of Sky & Telescope
Map search for comet Lulin

Source: new astro