Meaning of Dreams

Lady of Light

Linda Brown has requested this thread to discuss this subject. I'm sure I'll be able to chime in from time to time as well, but for now.....

Take it away Linda! :)
Goodness!Thankyou Lady of Light.

I just hope that I can keep up!

I have been contacted by a very serious researcher who has been following up on Adamski. His path came to me in the strangest of ways....I couldn't even begin to explain to you. But this man has a history in languages and certain covert activities and he has an impeccable and verified history. I am hoping that he may decide to contact us here also but that is entirely his choice. As it is now he is helping me look over the " dream" that I had when I was nine years old.

Some of you might remember my description of how, in my dream, I saw three " ships" land in a field outside of a little garage apartment where I lived with my Mom and Dad and a friend of ours, Helen Towt. Three individuals stood in front of the ships by the time my Dad walked up to them. I was hanging on to his hand crying and pulling back.... terrified at the time. Dad simply said to me...." Sweetie, everything will be alright. " I won't go into the balance of the dream right now.... its just important to say that this gentleman is interested in investigating that dream with me...

And now all of a sudden we have this interaction with kotn who mentioned a dream that he had experiences and the wise thoughts that dream helped him uncover.

AllI know is that we NEED this thread... that there is incoming information that is very important to all of us but we have to work together to see it. If we can....

Kotn would you mind transferring your message about the " white dream" here?

There is information coming at us like a tidal wave. Heads up everybody. And thank you SO MUCH Lady of Light!!!!

Anyone else with the urge to talk about your dream experiences. This is the place! Linda
kotn.... you said this

By it's very nature, science cannot ever know. It can seek, but it won't know. Science is dogma. Knowledge comes when we live with our planet - WITH HER. Not in separation, above her, controlling her, oppressing and subjugating and enslaving her. With her. Observe her and you will know yourself. We are her. How much do we know about Earth? Not one damn thing, to be honest. Could we create a mini-Earth and have it work? Not a chance. We fail at single biomes. Putting things under a microscope will not show us anything until we understand the greater things.

I couldn't have been more impressed by your words.

I asked you how you could possibly " get there from here...." and your response was Humility.

Having a half full cup instead of one that is overflowing with what we THINK we know.

Having the ability to simply pause in mid stride and say to ourselves.... " Wait just a minute!"

And then during the quiet time.... actually listening to what is being sent to us.....

Thats what is happening right here and right now folks.....

We are simply simple windchimes.... but Oh the music that is coming in our direction!

And again, darn it... I have to be away from the keys for today but I will check in as soon as I get back....Dr. K? Are you and kotn the same? If so that will single up my attentions! If not then I guess I will just continue on two paths at the same time! This is so much fun!!!! Linda
Two paths or just the one that has merged, for whatever reason >>> confirmation, perhaps?

I have seen lots of ships in meditation, seen them as well in dreams (or sensed that they are ships though they may have looked like something else entirely) and of course I've seen them in real life. I also had a .. a .. well, I'm not sure what to call it but let's say that I bumped in to a person who was unlikely of Earthly origin last winter. That was quite surreal, but not a dream, though in some ways it was all the more dreamlike because of it's surreality.

I have had several of those "white" dreams. What do you suppose the white background signifies?
Two paths or just the one that has merged, for whatever reason >>> confirmation, perhaps?

I have seen lots of ships in meditation, seen them as well in dreams (or sensed that they are ships though they may have looked like something else entirely) and of course I've seen them in real life. I also had a .. a .. well, I'm not sure what to call it but let's say that I bumped in to a person who was unlikely of Earthly origin last winter. That was quite surreal, but not a dream, though in some ways it was all the more dreamlike because of it's surreality.

I have had several of those "white" dreams. What do you suppose the white background signifies?

At night the incoming field from the sun is far less powerfull.
The white lady of this planet can thus arise far more readily.
Here in the UK She has been called Mother Shipton....I know Her well.
This place I know ever so well, and I often go there in the depth of night...alone, except for mother shipton.
Because in seven long strides Long Compton I can see( long story)
Many call Her Mary, and the geometry of how She flows is vital.

The WHITE is the colour relative to the planet, it is the stress created in the perfectly packed substance of universe, and when dreaming( DMT) We trip onto the geometry of the planet to download our experiences.
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And now the actual white dream text from the other thread:

"A dream I had years ago just sprang to mind. It is one of my "white" dreams. They always happen in a white place. Only a few things have any substance or color. In one, my grandmother came to me, years after she was dead. I wanted to hug her so badly, I missed her so much. I remember even being in tears as she said to me "Pay attention. This is important." There was a highly polished, shiny linen closet in front of us. There were large doors on the bottom and smaller doors on the top. She grabbed the knobs of the smaller doors and instead of them opening outward, as one would expect, they opened inward, toward the center.

I woke up then, naturally. lol It took me years to figure it out. That is how everything opens. Inward. Toward its center. But it can only be seen when you look for it with your center open too."
kotn... You said this...

have seen lots of ships in meditation, seen them as well in dreams (or sensed that they are ships though they may have looked like something else entirely) and of course I've seen them in real life. I also had a .. a .. well, I'm not sure what to call it but let's say that I bumped in to a person who was unlikely of Earthly origin last winter. That was quite surreal, but not a dream, though in some ways it was all the more dreamlike because of it's surreality.

Can we talk more about this " dream" of yours?... that wasn't really a dream.... and the fact that you have seen " ships" but known at the same time that " they may have looked like something else entirely"

And running into a person??? of " unlikely of Earthly origin????" Can we talk about that too....

I have discovered that sometimes with my experiences its just easier to fall back on the old line " I dreamed something".... when I know in my heart it was far more than a simple dream. Linda
And Dr. K.....I wish that you might consider joining this thread because there are things I need to ask you in relationship with the things that I know have crossed your path. We may have to run along parallel courses here, untouching.... but at least we might be able to share some of the information???

And now the actual white dream text from the other thread:

"A dream I had years ago just sprang to mind. It is one of my "white" dreams. They always happen in a white place. Only a few things have any substance or color. In one, my grandmother came to me, years after she was dead. I wanted to hug her so badly, I missed her so much. I remember even being in tears as she said to me "Pay attention. This is important." There was a highly polished, shiny linen closet in front of us. There were large doors on the bottom and smaller doors on the top. She grabbed the knobs of the smaller doors and instead of them opening outward, as one would expect, they opened inward, toward the center.

I woke up then, naturally. lol It took me years to figure it out. That is how everything opens. Inward. Toward its center. But it can only be seen when you look for it with your center open too."

Everything , every atom is heart centred in it's unique memory field.
IMPLODING into that heart centre.
Those memory fields react symbiotically with more powerfull memory fields, the normal rise and fall of the local zone of this planets memory is called light ad dark.
I have recently (within the past few months, prior to Christmas anyway) seen what appeared to be a theater stage. There was of course the large curtain at the back with ropes hanging down and lights and the actual stage, but it was how people went up to the ships. It doesn't take much to see through that symbolism, does it? Not even worth giving symbols, imo.

It was last year's winter when I saw the "unlikely to be human" person. I was dog sitting here in downtown Helsinki and took the dogs for a walk. Both big dogs but one of them has a mutation. He's some mix of large breed hunting dogs but he came out hairless. He has the most bizarre saliva too. It's as though it siliconizes everything it touches. He's also never been trained to behave at all. << That's relevant. Anyway, just a few meters from their building, they stop to do their business when this very tall woman pops (literally) out from between two vehicles. It was as though she had been hiding there. She walked around to us and Hyperdog does nothing. Absolutely nothing. Normally he would have been jumping on her and licking her, because his owner allowed that, for some reason. But he just stood there with his tail wagging ever so slowly. She stooped down in front of him, took his face in her hands and looked deep in his eyes. He did nothing. I was so gobsmacked I really couldn't say anything at all. She asked a couple of questions about him and then stood up again, went to the driver's side of the vehicle she had popped out from beside (that was the passenger's side though). She opened the door, looked back toward the park just across the street, said "Thank you" in Finnish to me and drove off.

Now, her appearance was strange in that she was very tall and had very short-cropped hair that was black peppered with silver. Perfectly cut, not like anything anyone here would be capable of. Her skin was sort of bronzed but with a metallic sheen to it and her eyes were very close to that same color. She was very beautiful - not by halves either. But she was dressed in only a ...well here I find my memory of her fading. I can't recall whether the sweat suit was mango colored and the down vest black or the other way around. I believe it was that way though. In any case it was wholly unsuitable for the -10C weather we had then, plus she was clearly not from here.

The vehicle was a black SUV. Honda or something. Not one we have in abundance here. People drive Audi and BMW much more here.

Many ships though in my life. The first instance being when I was five or so. Lots of room for speculation about why though. I doubt I'll ever know for sure.
Images,thoughts and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. Normally means something that is about your hidden feelings or your secrets and sometimes it takes things we didn't notice throughout.
Normally? Qualify that, and then quantify it. And if it's not "normal"? How do you differentiate?
Images,thoughts and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. Normally means something that is about your hidden feelings or your secrets and sometimes it takes things we didn't notice throughout.

Hello Malickk.........have you ever considered that IF there was a "communication" being established between the intelligence that we are and something unknown to us....... that it would occurr most easily in the "dream" state.

Your comment here about "taking things not normally noticed" is precisely what may be happening here.

Thank you for your input.

And Kotn....have you seen that oddly beautiful woman again? The one who greeted the large dog?

I have a question for you. Do you think that she was actually what you SAW. Or perhaps you saw what she presented to you to see. Perhaps the dog saw what she actually was but your view was obscured for some reason.

In my dream when I was a kid I saw three Adamski type saucers land in a field beside our home. The year was 1955 and my Dad was very involved in propulsion systems that are still talked about today. In my dream there were three individuals who approached us and one of them to me.... was a red headed man.... with a beard.... and when I told others about my dream the next morning I told them that the one person "Looked like Jesus".

Now thinking about it later of course I have considered that IF there was another intelligence introducing itself to me through my dream it would pick an image that it would know would be less threatening to a child. The thing that made my experience odd was that my Dad reported having EXACTLY THE SAME DREAM THAT NIGHT. So obviously that entire experience has meant alot to me.

Getting back to your experience of the woman who stepped up to that slobbering ill mannered dog and took his head in her hands.....have you ever wondered what the dog was seeing?

Maybe the first thing to learn in all of this is that we are dealing with something that has the ability to control OUR PERCEPTION OF REALITY. That changes things all around.

I have no doubt whatsoever that if she had looked like a bog-standard human being, the dog would have jumped all over her just as he did everyone else. His behavior was beyond extraordinary, and that is because she was as well. What I saw was more to ensure that she could get whatever info she was looking for from him.

And no, I have never seen her again nor have I had any other experiences of that nature since then. But things are different now, aren't they? She may have got all the info she needed, or then ... there are just so many possible scenarios that speculation is just pointless. I *can* imagine quite a few things, but .. *shrugs*

I don't know whether I've mentioned this before but my sister and I "went in a rocket ship" (my [at that time] toddler sister's words) and didn't come home for lunch, despite us both only recalling having been in our own yard the whole time -- except when we were out visiting other planets. Kind of odd for two little girls in the mid-1970s, eh? My sister was talking about cars running on electric rails and all sorts of other stuff for quite a while after that. Not a dream, that, but contact was established early in our lives. There are reasons, still relevant today, it seems.
I absolutely agree with you kotn. Thanks for that.

Your response was " Re: Meaning of Dreams
I have no doubt whatsoever that if she had looked like a bog-standard human being, the dog would have jumped all over her just as he did everyone else. His behavior was beyond extraordinary, and that is because she was as well. What I saw was more to ensure that she could get whatever info she was looking for from him........

Look at the experience again... just for fun...... You saw this strikingly beautiful woman... even noted her style of hair and dressing..... but think what the dog may have been seeing was the identical image? I would be careful here assuming that he was seeing what YOU were seeing.....

I am sure that the dog was seeing something that was not the standard human, true enough, or he would have been ill mannered enough to jump all over her..... and you were watching all of this happen..... but you were seeing her through YOUR eyes.

Is it worth considering that perhaps the dog was seeing someone else entirely? Linda
I never assumed any such thing. I'm saying that she looked to me like a bog standard human (yes, very beautiful but I very much that's hugely influential in a dog's mind) but to him she very likely was something else altogether, hence his extraordinary behavior with her. Do animals hold the physical beauty, regardless of species, to be so wildly important as (too many) humans do? Unlikely. There is no other reason that he would have responded that way, except that she was completely incomprehensible to him...and perhaps something more too. I felt as though she was reading him, so to speak.
kotn... perhaps " assuming " was the wrong word for me to use here. I think I am having a tougher time really understanding exactly what you are saying. Please bear with me!

For example.....I don't know what you mean by " bog standard human". Would you mind defining it for me?

There are many types of humans on Earth and always have been, really. If you are what I call a bog standard, you're not particularly inspired by the world and its glories. You're happy to simply plod through life as directed by whoever is running the show during that time period. Bog standard. More of a cardboard cut-out than a child of God.

There are others though who may hold only varying degrees of human qualities. People like Nikola Tesla. People like Archimedes. And many who have done things that we don't even realize, because the bulk of what is truly revolutionary in human development was done very consistently, but on a more subtle level, throughout human civilization. We have all had the opportunity to be truly human, but most (MOST) have chosen to remain bog standard. It's "easier" that way. :disgust2:

This is not to say that academic excellence is what lifts us out of bog standard-ness. That's not it at all. Humans aren't particularly logical beings and we're not here to grow intellectually. We are emotional. We emote. That is the greatest power humans have. That has been posited by several (or more) New Age thinkers, but even so, it is not wrong. It is truly the case.

There are those who have been here who have led humanity astray as well, this having happened a long time ago. Humans were flattered into slavery. Over time, we were convinced of many things that simply were not and are not true. Money systems have enslaved and retarded the progress of the species by devaluating emotions but manipulating them heavily at the same time. This is power and currency for those "others". By supplanting our original and natural value system with a grossly superficial, non-spiritual, purely egotistical system, humanity has been stifled and is now paying the price.

So, who was this woman and what did she want? What did she see when she looked in Hyperdog's eyes? She was not bog standard. I am not bog standard.

Reading through this a while after posting, it looks grossly inadequate to even begin to describe the way things really are in this respect. There are *many* different kinds of humans and *many, many* more other sentient life forms "on Earth" and otherwise.

Something that really needs to be stated is that emotions are their own kind of a way. Not sure I can state that more accurately right now. Language fails me. But it might give a glimmer of understanding as to why humans have been farmed in the way they/we have. I'm not a religious person by any means, but it states very clearly in the Bible that God gave us free will. Have you thought about what that really means? Free will. We think of it in such a narrow way that its true meaning is really not even grazed. If we really had even a reasonable comprehension of this, our experience in these physical planes would be something entirely other than what it is now.

This encompasses the dream world as well. Dreams are not at all what we think they are. Not in the least. Even our waking state is obscured.

Ha! This all looks so off-topic. It's not.
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