Megalithic Carvings? Strange Phenomena In The Land Of The Inca

That water thing is really weird. Very cool, very fascinating. To be able to control the flow of water like that is just, WOW!

And I think that guy's right, these carvings were done BEFORE the Incas were ever there.
That's really neat how she controls the water with your finger like that, I wonder what the scientific explanation for how that works is?
That's really neat how she controls the water with your finger like that, I wonder what the scientific explanation for how that works is?

yeah, i'm not ready to hear that explaination. It'll most likely send me into an anger fit. If a scientist can't explain it, they'll usually just come up with something that most people will believe and leave it at that, when really, they haven't a frickin clue.
Scientists are programmed to come up with the best possible answer that fits into whatever question they are trying to answer. Which is a fancy way of saying they're coming up with the theory.
Scientifically speaking, I think that water fountain has something to do with water tension. It's the same reason why you can make bubbles and the bubbles hold their shapes.

So what this video actually shows especially when you get to the water fountain is that these ancient people had an understanding of more complex science than we give them credit for.
A theory has a LOT of evidence and testing behind it. What they come up with is what's left over once Scientific Method has removed anything that our five senses cannot accept or reproduce among the dimmest of us. Those armed with enhanced perception will always be closer to the truth but never in the eyes of science, simply because we allow more information in than practitioners of "science" do. "Science" draws conclusions with limited faculties.
Well if a scientist can't see it, hear it, taste it, smell it or touch it, it doesn't exist. So they create instruments that can take invisible evidence and bring it into our five sense reality. They only believe it exists if an instrument or their own senses can show that it exists. If an instrument to measure invisible evidence has not been created yet then it's logically concluded that whatever invisible evidence is there, doesn't exist. Even if people who have a psychic ability tells them otherwise. So essentially scientists are not only blind they are limiting themselves to one reality.