Melinda & Bill Gates on a Crusade - Population Control

100th Monkey

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SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. — Melinda Gates recently announced a “new crusade” for her $32 billion Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. A recent Newsweek interview with Michelle Goldberg says it’s a “decision that is likely to change lives all over the planet.”

Gates has “decided to make family planning her signature issue,” by investing “billions to revolutionize contraception worldwide,” with substantial economic consequences.

The Gates decision will “be hugely significant for American women.” She’s “pouring money into the long-neglected field of contraceptive research, seeking entirely new methods of birth control,” a “whole new class of drugs,” some that could even work without hormones, and others, might be implantable devises that never need to be removed, can even be turned on and off by the woman.

The good news: Gates is already in high gear “teaming up with the British government to co-sponsor a summit of world leaders in July in London, to start raising the $4 billion the foundation says it will cost to get 120 million more women access to contraceptives by 2020.”

And that’s huge: Last year the entire pharmaceutical industry made a total of $67.4 billion in all their research, including cancer and heart, plus the cost of developing a single new drug can exceed $1 billion. So Gates $4 billion in new research for women’s health care makes Melinda Gates perhaps the biggest player in the future of pharmaceuticals worldwide.

Commercial opportunities: Drug sales of $15 billion to $36 billion annually

Moreover, we know investing in R&D can have huge payoffs, creating major new marketing and sales opportunities for the commercial drug world. $4 billion of new research is certain to leverage up several times with new business opportunities not only for the pharmaceutical industry, but for clinics, hospitals and medical professionals.

For example, Newsweek says that Pfizer’s Depo-Provera is already the most “popular in many poor countries because women need to take it only four times a year.” So you do the numbers: If 120 million new women users chose Depo-Provera, at an estimated average cost between $120-$300 per woman annually, that works out to $15 billion to $36 billion in new sales annually, a nice payoff from leveraging $4 billion in research money.

Gates’s research commitment may be one of the most significant health-care decisions of the new century. As Gates put it, when she realized “what needed to get done in family planning, I finally said, OK, I’m the person that’s going to do that.” Now she hopes to lead the charge and “galvanize a global movement.”

With this commitment, if Gates succeeds in these plans the global economic, social, cultural and political landscape will be dramatically altered, with women gaining more power over their own health care.

Economic ripples: 120 million potential new women entrepreneurs

We’ve all heard about how all across the globe, especially in developing, emerging and poor countries, new banking institutions are making microloans (small loans to poor people with no credit or collateral). This new industry stepped into the global spotlight back in 2006 when Muhammud Yunus, an Indian economics professor turned banker, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, along with his Grameen Bank, for their groundbreaking efforts with microloans, creating a new class of micro-entrepreneurs worldwide.

So we expect the Gates $4 billion research investment will add more stimulus to this microloan phenomenon and increase membership in this new class of entrepreneurs.

In a well-documented feature on women’s health, population growth, birth control and family planning back in 2010, the editors of Mother Jones magazine, Monika Bauerlein and Clara Jeffery, wrote:

“Every tiny improvement in the status of women, every bit of education for girls, translates into women having more control over their fertility, which translates into family sizes that match parents’ means and wishes, which in turn means more opportunity for the next generation — a virtuous cycle of enormous potential” and economic prosperity.
All I have to say is, "creepy."

There is no overpopulation problem - unless You're an elite power monger striving to control "the masses."

1) If every Human was given 1/4 acre of land in Australia (4% of land mass EXcluding Antarctica), there would still be a chunk of Australia left over - and the whole rest of the planet.

2) If You took the volume of all the Humans on this planet and put it into the Grand Canyon - You wouldn't even fill one side canyon.

3) If You put all of Us in the state of Texas - there'd still be a good chunk of Texas left over.

There is only PERCEIVED overpopulation with food distributed by profit and not need, with People crowded onto grids, and enforced scarcity through suppression of free energy.

What happened to that middle-class boy to make Him so evil - and where did He get that evil woman?
You're right. There is NO need for "population control". There is more than enough to go around for everyone, but because it is all controlled and they want to take the ability for us to "farm" our own foods away, THAT is why it LOOKS like there is not enough. Well, that and the news telling us so, because the elite controllers force them to.

If the news actually told us the truth, instead of forcing the lies down our throats, the world would be a MUCH better place. I know, it's not JUST the news, it's ALL forms of media.

This contraception mission of hers is BS. But I like what the quote at the bottom says "every bit of education", and it's right, proper education is what the world needs, not the education that we have.
As far as food goes:

1) Distribution by profit and not need: supermarkets throw out hundreds of thousands of TONS of food a MONTH!

2) Petro-"fertilizing" fields: diminished nutrition, and organics have equal or better yields

3) We pay corporate "farmers" to NOT grow food to keep prices elevated.

If We distributed by need, grew organically, and farmed all land We could feed 10 times the number of people on this planet.

Add new methods of growing, such as vertical farming, and We could feed as much as 100 times Our present population.

There is NO SUCH THING as "overpopulation!"
Food should be free to everyone on the planet as it's a necessity to life.

Overpopulation is definitely a lie. If you live in a city it does seem like overpopulation may be a problem, especially if you haven't been out to see our beautiful planet. There's an abundance of space on this planet, and you don't really have to look very far.
Insects, especially ants consume far more food than humans.
Spock logic then is to kill all insects.
Insects, especially ants consume far more food than humans.
Spock logic then is to kill all insects.

Lol! The same analogy could be used for many a creature and plant on this planet, I'm sure.

But, as we all live harmoniously (when we are free to do so) with the planet (it's inhabitants, flora and fauna), there is abundance of resources to go around for all.

Over-population is just as big of a scam as global warming. If we all just wake up to what is true, then we can see and be harmonious once more.
Just thinking about what I wrote.

What I should have said was: Overpopulation and global warming are both part of the same large scam because they go hand in hand.
I think the world is designed to balance itself out as the population grows. The more carbon there is in the air the better plants grow. The more plants there is the more oxygen there is for the animals. To me this indicates the planet was designed to sustain an ever increasing population of any type of animal. Overpopulation is a scam and so is global warming, of course it's just called climate change now.
I don't doubt that at all, Denise. Overpop, Human-made global warming, whatever lies They can tell Us to control Us and suck money from Us.

And I do love the Madison Avenue trick of rebranding.
I've always hated this overpopulation myth, and the one child policy. Whenever a child is aborted the potential of the child is removed. Every child has a potential to be something special in this world, and any eugenics program will prevent humans from reaching their full potential.
I have to agree, overpopulation and global-warming go hand in hand. Here's MY connection for them.

Global warming is said to happen because of excess carbon (mostly) on the earth and we put out far too much as humans. They were even blaming the animals. OK, BS. Carbon, (or at least we're told, and seems to actually be true), is what most plants thrive on. Without Humans and animals, the plants don't thrive the way they do. By cutting down the population, and cutting down the carbon, the Earth can only die. How can it survive with the BS logic that is pushed at us. If the earth increases in population, so do the plants. And plants give us oxygen, an essential element for our survival, it's a (what do you call that, the word isn't coming to me) co-? living situation. We need each other to survive and we both thrive. So if anything, by not feeding the plants (the trees, etc.) then of course, Global Warming is created by the sole thing that is being done to prevent it. It's all BS.

The problem is not with overpopulation, it's with the mindset of the greedy bastards that want the planet to themselves and only keep a handful of us on as slaves. Right now, they can't control all of us, that's why they've created this "problem".
Symbiotic is definitely the right word. But maybe the word you were looking for was cooperative relationship?

The only way to free us from this kind of BS is to educate your friends and family as much as you can. Even if they're not listening just plant some seeds.
I think Bill Gates has been replaced with a clone or a look-alike and/or severely brainwashed. I just don't see how another human being can do this to other human beings.