New US/UK Study Shocks World! “Conspiracy Theorists” Are ‘Sane’; Government Dupes Crazy & Hostile!

100th Monkey

New member
Just wanted to pass this one on, how true:

About Time To: New US/UK Study Shocks World! “Conspiracy Theorists” Are ‘Sane’; Government Dupes Crazy & Hostile!

A newly released study by psychologists and social scientists in both the United States and the UK is bound to ‘shock the world’, for it has found that those who believe in ‘conspiracy theories’ are considered ‘more sane’ than those who believe in the ‘official versions’ of the ‘contested events’. For most Beforeitsnews readers, this is simply not shocking in the least bit, in fact, it is quite common knowledge. For Americans who still believe the ‘accepted versions’ of stated events, it’s quite possible that they will continue to stay ‘insane’, and hostile! In fact, those now believing the ‘conspiracy theory’ version of events now outnumber those believing the ‘statist propaganda’ TWO TO ONE!