Planned Parenthood’s Federal Funding Rose to $363.2 Million in FY 2008-2009, Aborted 324,008 Unborn Children in 2008


Truth feeder
Penny Starr
CNS News
Thursday, December 23, 2010

( –Planned Parenthood received $363.2 million in*government grants and contracts*during its 2008-2009 fiscal year, according to the*organization’s annual*report. That*was up from $349.6 million in FY2007-08.

According to a fact sheet on*Planne Parenthood’s*Web site, the*organization performed*324,008 abortion in calender year 2008. That was*up from 305,310 in 2007 and 289,750 in 2006.

The number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood in 2006 and 2007*was reported in the group’s 2007-2008 annual report, on page 9. The abortions for 2008*were reported in the fact sheet–”current as of September 2010.”* The number was*not included in Planned Parenthood’s*latest annual report.

As for the latest annual report, it shows that the Planned Parenthood national organization and its affiliates in all 50 states and U.S. territories had a total in net assets for fiscal year 2008-2009 of $994.7 million, a decrease of $19.6 million from the previous year. (Planned Parenthood’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.)

Planned Parenthood receives federal*tax dollars through Title X of the Public Health Service Act of 1970. The funding is for reproductive health care services, including family planning,*and cannot be directly*spent on actual*abortion procedures except in cases of rape, incest or to preserve the life of the mother.

Full story here.
