
  1. Catspaw56

    Summer Travels

    I guess the title isn't entirely accurate, but I think everyone will get the idea. So my daughter and I took my grandkids traveling this year. At the end of May, we took a day trip down to Great Sand Dunes National Park. Medano Creek was running high and warm. The kids, fresh from passing...
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Ben Fulford June 16, 2014: Are all of these emergency meetings of world leaders leading to some big announcement?

    June 16, 2014 Weekly geo-political news and analysis Full report here.
  3. White Rabbit

    Prisoners 'could serve 1,000 year sentence in eight hours'

    Controversial technologies (for Archonic intentions) brought to public knowledge Source: Prisoners 'could serve 1,000 year sentence in eight hours' - Telegraph You may remember a Star Trek deep Space 9 episode where they did this to O'Bren? Hard Time (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki
  4. 100th Monkey

    The banks are gearing up for the collapse

    Published on Sep 29, 2013:
  5. New UFO Hunter

    Texas, a hotbed for UFO sightings!

    Texas is considered a hotbed of UFO activity. More: Reported UFO activity rose last year, with major sightings in Texas
  6. 2

    [Video] For a Good Smile watch Some Cuteness which I hope lifts our Spirits

    We've been in kind of a quandry lately, while some problems have cleared a little, others now present themselves is all I will say, this really has been a lousy year) so when the quandry gets heavy that's when I go to see: Remiinds me of little kids when they know they've done something...
  7. R

    Indian ‘Miss America 2014′ irks Zionists

    The new ‘Miss America 2014′, Nina Davuluri, has generated quite a storm among the Mulim-hating pro-Israel neonazis. She has been called Arab, Indonesian – and linked with Mossad flase flag operations; the terrorist attacks in the US on September 11, 2001 and Mumbai terrorist attacks in November...
  8. New UFO Hunter

    UFR's? Rods from Russia

    I found these pictures on a Russian website, i seen these for the first time on 'Unsolved Mysteries' year ago. Source: Damned and The Forgotten - Suddenly - Rods!
  9. R

    Khat ban and the ‘civilized West’

    “It’s very difficult to understand why this stuff’s against the law. I read everything I can get my hands on about it and find it difficult to be persuaded of anything other than what I was told by a federal Crown attorney when I had my first case, which was: ‘We think this is almost as...
  10. R

    Jewish groups slam Norwegian cartoon

    The pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the European Jewish Congress (EJC) and several other Zionist groups have shown their anger at the publication of cartoon depicting Jewish circumcision practice “barbaric”. Norwegian daily Dagbladet published the said ”non-kosher” cartoon (on top of...
  11. Denise

    9 year old discusses the meaning of life and the universe

    If he get it we should!
  12. Truth Vibrations

    Pope Benedict XVI is to resign on February 28th, a Vatican spokesman has announced.

    "The pope announced that he will leave his ministry at 8:00 pm (1900 GMT) on February 28," said the spokesman, Federico Lombardi. Last year the Pope started using a cane on occasions and recently he appeared to have trouble reading the text of an address he delivered in Rome. There was no...
  13. 100th Monkey

    Ben Fulford, 8 Jan 2013

    The fight to over the world’s financial system has been in limbo over the new year’s holiday but big moves are now being made by various players in preparation for some upcoming decisive battles. In the US, Obama’s regime, in a show of bravado to hide fear and desperation, has announced it will...
  14. 100th Monkey

    Benjamin Fulford, January 07, 2013

    01/08/2013 Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis 20130107: The holiday lull is over, the fascist’s days are numbered The fight to over the world’s financial system has been in limbo over the new year’s holiday but big moves are now being made by various players in preparation for some...
  15. 100th Monkey

    21 december - 3 days of darkness - Message from Princess Kaoru Nakamaru

    I don't think this video was posted before, it is from January this year. Do you think we will been in total darkness for 3 days (Dec 21,22,23?)
  16. Truth Vibrations

    December 21, 2012 only 2 places are safe. Did you get your reservation yet?

    I think this is hog wash!! Blue Energy Group claims only 2 places will be safe after Dec. 21, 2012 Turkey Izmir ,Sirince France ,Bugarach. "It was during the spring of 2011 that I began receiving messages direct from spirit. Prior to that all messages came through mediums and I had became...
  17. Denise

    Scientists urge ministers: tell truth on 'over-hyped' flu vaccine

    Wednesday, 21 November 2012 11:22 'The flu vaccine given to millions of people each year in Britain is “over-promoted” and “over-hyped” and the protection it offers against the seasonal illness has been exaggerated, scientists claim. Flu causes thousands of deaths, mainly among the...
  18. Denise

    [Wow!] 4 Year old Alma plays Clemantina by Sonati on the piano

    Very inspiring, and she is good!
  19. Truth Vibrations

    David Wilcock: "Will 2012 Be The Year of Freedom?"

    What do you guys think of this? More BS? Excerpts: More:
  20. Truth Vibrations

    David Wilcock - Will There Be A "Quantum Awakening" in Dec, 2012?

    David Wilcocks latest blog post: More here: