Putin Flushes the US Dollar

100th Monkey

New member
One more way the US dollar is being devalued!

Putin Flushes the US Dollar: Russia’s Gold Ruble Payments System Delinked from Dollar?

A New Financial System independent from Wall Street and City of London begins to take shape concretely in Russia?

Russia "forced" by the sanctions to create a currency system which is independent from the US dollar.

Russia announces that it will sell (and buy) products and commodities – including oil – in rubles rather than in dollars. The move is towards the development of bilateral.

Putin has been preparing this move — the creation of a payment system in rubles completely independent and protected from the Dollar and the "killer speculations" (e.g. short-selling) of the big Western financial institutions — for a long time.

Putin Flushes the US Dollar: Russia?s Gold Ruble Payments System Delinked from Dollar? | Global Research