Ron Finley, guerilla gardener of South Central LA

Boiling Frog

Truth Activist
"South Central LA, home of the drive-thru, and the drive-by," Finley says. "Funny thing is, the drive-thrus are killin' more people than the drive-bys. People are dying from curable diseases in South Central LA."

Finley gets it. He's wiser than the FDA, the USDA and all the government policies combined. While President Obama's plan is to put as many people on food stamps as possible so they can spend government money on disease-promoting processed foods, Ron Finley's plan is to get people off food stamps and put 'em on food forests... to teach people to grow their own live foods that prevent disease, inspire communities and give rise to self-reliance.

This idea of teaching people to grow their own food drives control freak government bureaucrats crazy. The city of Los Angeles, in fact, tried to force him to destroy his curbside food forest. As he explained:

I planted a food forest in front of my house. ...The city came down on me, and gave me a citation saying that I had to remove my garden. And this citation turned into a warrant. A warrant for planting food...

With the help of an LA Times reporter and hundreds of petitioners, Finley was finally victorious over an idiotic city policy that wanted to destroy his food forest and turn it back into a curbside of useless weeds.

Now, Ron Finley is on a mission to inspire others to turn vacant lots into food forests, transforming communities and teaching kids the value of growing your own food.

Finley espouses the libertarian idea of self-reliance and defiance against injustice
