Scientists Who Created Mutant Bird Flu Speak at Royal Society Conference

100th Monkey

New member

'Both Kawaoka and Foucher spoke at a conference at the Royal Society. This is the same globalist group that came forward to endorse depopulation worldwide as an answer to environmental stability.

According to the Royal Society: the world’s human population, coupled with unprecedented levels of consumption present profound challenges to human health and well-being, and the natural environment.
This group of Eco-fascists believes that securitizing the resources of third world countries, combined with reducing their consumption globally, will stabilize the planet’s failing environment.'

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Read more: Scientists Who Created Mutant Bird Flu Speak at Royal Society Conference
Of course he is... these people are extremely arrogant and believe that what they're doing is for the betterment of mankind. Even though they're hurting humans more than anything. They go home and look at their big houses and bank accounts and feel really good about themselves. Because that's how these people measure success, not by how well all humans are doing but by how much profits they've accumulated through their lifetime.

And a person who was only after profits, will hurt anybody who stands in their way for more money. Even if that means killing humans in mass.
Evil Bastards!

These scientists need to get their heads off their pocketbooks and onto helping mankind. Help society for the sake of helping and actually HELP instead of hurt. They won't because they're too worried about their lifestyle and their status. "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing." These scientists need to start being "good men" instead of the 'bitches' that they are.

Sorry, it just gets me so angry when I see this stuff.
Of course he is... these people are extremely arrogant and believe that what they're doing is for the betterment of mankind. Even though they're hurting humans more than anything. They go home and look at their big houses and bank accounts and feel really good about themselves. Because that's how these people measure success, not by how well all humans are doing but by how much profits they've accumulated through their lifetime.

And a person who was only after profits, will hurt anybody who stands in their way for more money. Even if that means killing humans in mass.

It's either that or they have a gun to their heads.