Sean Stone interviews Peter Moon on Satanism, Scientology & Occult Overlords

Truth Vibrations

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From Scientology, Elrond Hubbard, Alister Crowley, Frank Parsons to the Rumanian spynx and more. This is a great interview, Sean Stone has a great deal of knowledge of many alternate subjects. this alows him to ask some good questions from Peter Moon.

Satanism, Scientology & Occult Overlords with Peter Moon

Published on 8 Aug 2014

The connections between the Church of Scientology, worship of Satan and the nuclear development projects of the post war period are discussed in a very wild conversation with Peter Moon. Time travel, mind control, the nazi fascination with occult ritual, and the vampiric orgies of an evil overlord are discussed in a talk that traces the influence of Aleister Crowley through science-fiction, to the hierarchies of religion and power in the present. For those interested in the influence of the occult and dark 'magick' on society, this Buzzsaw hosted by Sean Stone is not to be missed.

GUEST BIO: Peter Moon was born in San Fernando, California and grew up in both Southern and Northern California. Interested exclusively in athletics in his early years, he became interested in creative writing, science fiction, and science during his high school years. His exploration into these fields, during the 1960s, led to an interest in Eastern Religion and Western Occultism which culminated in a unique career and association that centered around the private concerns of L. Ron Hubbard, a renown science fiction writer who was an accomplished occultist but is also known as the controversial founder of Dianetics and Scientology, a movement which explored the brutal effects of mind control that have been afflicted upon the human race and sought methods to free the human spirit from the confines of the human body.

Peter went out on his own in 1983 and moved to Long Island where his background in dealing with mind control phenomena and spiritual liberation enabled him to forge an association with scientist Preston Nichols, one of the world's foremost experts in the world on electromagnetic phenomena who had been involved in strange experiments at the Montauk Air Force Station on Long Island which included the manipulation of time. Their collaboration in "The Montauk Projct: Experiments in Time" and its subsequent sequels have now reached legendary proportions.

Peter has continued his own investigation into the occult forces behind the Montauk Project and has also collaborated with Dr. David Anderson of the former Time Travel Research Center which has now been reincorporated as the Anderson Institute. After Peter and Preston's books had been translated into the Romanian language, Dr. Anderson invited Peter to Romania where he has pursued remarkable mysteries beneath the Romanian Sphinx in the Bucegi Mountains which have been published in "Transylvania Sunrise" by Radu Cinamar with Peter Moon. This book concerns the discovery of the most amazing archaeological artifact in the history of Mankind, a chamber that contains a holographic record of the Earth's history as well as holographic readouts of human DNA and also other species. This mysterious chamber also contains tunnels leading to secret locations beneath the Earth as well as other unimaginable technology. These pursuits are currently being followed in "Transylvania Moonrise" and additional sequels to this spectacular story line. Peter currently lives on Long Island, New York.

ADD'L LINKS: The Official Home of the Montauk Project | Where Science Fiction Meets Reality - Buzzsaw Buzzsaw Full Episodes: Buzzsaw Short Clips Playlist:

EPISODE BREAKDOWN: 00:01 Welcome to Buzzsaw. 00:30 Introducing Peter Moon. 01:00 The Church of Scientology through science fiction, spirituality, and L. Ron Hubbard. 08:00 Aleister Crowley and Alan Parsons connections, and a church of manipulation or liberation? 13:10 The culture of goals in Scientology's higher levels and inventor Preston Nichols. 18:20 Time travel, mind control, The Philadelphia Experiment, and The Montauk Project. 30:00 Magical occult rituals, Babylon, and Marjorie Cameron. 40:00 Tibetan paganism, Buddhism, the Nazi connection with the Tibetan religion, and the Black Sun. 49:30 Romania, the influence of an evil alien overlord, vampiric orgys, and the philosopher's stone. 1:00:30 Thanks and goodbye.

A Trip to Mount Omu and the Sphinx

Published on 2 Oct 2012

A trip to the Romanian Sphinx and Mount Omu by Peter Moon revealing that the topography of the Bucegi Mountains contains a hidden message of face: the Bucegi Face.

Peter Moon - Transylvanian Sunrise & The Romanian Sphinx

Uploaded on 1 Dec 2011

Author Peter Moon discusses the mysterious underground holographic hall of records found in 2003 by advanced satellite radar technology located at the sphinx of Romania in the Bucegi Mountains (close to the region known as Transylvania). Peter has written and spoken about The Montauk Project, but this interview revolves around his other two books, "Transylvanian Sunrise" and "Transylvanian Moonrise", written by Radu Cinmar (a member of the Romanian Intelligence Service's occult department) and translated by Peter. He tells us how he became involved in these books, his trips to Romania, how the discovery of the sphinx chamber was made and the mysterious characters central to the story. We also discuss Dr. David Lewis Anderson, director of the Time Travel Research Institute. Then, we talk about the Masonic and military interest in the chamber beneath the sphinx. Later, we review some history of Romania, including the Dacians and the Thracians.