Selling fresh milk in California now considered worse than child rapist or murderer


Raw milk innovator and Rawesome Foods coordinator James Stewart was ambushed by the legal system in California yesterday when he appeared for a preliminary hearing on the multiple felony charges that the state has leveled against him for running a raw dairy food distribution center.

In court yesterday, he was slapped with a $1 million warrant issued by the county. Sharon Palmer, one of the sweetest moms and ranch-hands you'll ever meet, was slapped with a $2 million warrant and was marched away in handcuffs as well.

As you can see, selling fresh milk in California is now considered worse than being a child rapist or a murderer. The state is desperately trying to shut these people up, so it is waging a campaign of outright political terrorism against the raw dairy industry.

As of today, James Stewart and Sharon Palmer are political prisoners of the state of California. Amnesty International is being contacted to see if they may help free these political prisoners from the gulag justice system where simply producing real food is a crime.

Full report:
Considering that a clean raw milk operation has as much risk as a standard pasteurized/homogenized operation (or maybe less) this is insane! The fact that Lactaid is merely the enzymes that are destroyed in the pasteurization process should be a clue as to why that process is a BAD thing!
Considering that a clean raw milk operation has as much risk as a standard pasteurized/homogenized operation (or maybe less) this is insane! The fact that Lactaid is merely the enzymes that are destroyed in the pasteurization process should be a clue as to why that process is a BAD thing!

No kidding! But, if they don't tell you that on the news, then no one want's to believe it. I cant' tell you how many times I've heard from people "I don't think our government would do anything to hurt us". But they do, and these little things are a good example of HOW they do it.
Those who fail to see the control of corporate interests in government are not looking with open eyes. It is My aim to eliminate such control by removing the need for money, which in turn removes profit motive and control over Others. See My thread under NWO, entitled A Planetary Solution - The End of Entropy.
I'll have to head on over to that thread and read it.

I would also like to see then end of the money and the control in all it's ways, and I spread what I can, when I can, to WHO I can, no matter what. I see the annoyance on people's faces, but it won't stop me.

If more people would band together, we CAN do just that, and then our foods, and our MILK would be healthy again! And so would WE! :)
None of this will change in tell the love of money has ended. People love their Fiat currency too much to let it go.

Raw milk IS better for you as long the cows are regular pasture fed non-corn fed cows. Their milk is much healthier for you with less risk than pasteurized milk from cows that are fed corn. Corn promotes the growth of E. coli in the cows. Which is the main reason why we pasteurized milk. Get the cows off the corn, the E. coli risk is much lower.
If We can get free energy out in the open (They have it in black projects), We will eliminate the NEED for money. The root of all evil (the LOVE of money) cannot grow if there is no soil (money).

THEN We will be free to do things for the RIGHT reasons. Cows will eat clover and grass as they should. Babies will be breast-fed as They should.