Steven Greer Presents: 'Sirius' The Documentary

Nearly Identical ET Corpses Found in Russia and South America

This is David Wilcock latest article.


A fully intact ET corpse from South America, featured in the upcoming SIRIUS documentary, is nearly identical to another mummified body found in Russia in 1996.

Both beings emerged from egg-shaped craft. The Russian being lived with us on Earth for at least three weeks - and was completely benevolent.

See the comparison photos here:
Sirius Film Team Announces Atacama Humanoid Age & Sex Determined

I figure this belongs here:

Sirius Film Team Announces Atacama Humanoid Age & Sex Determined
PR Web Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The team behind the forthcoming documentary 'Sirius,' which features the work of Dr. Steve Greer and his effort to drive disclosure regarding UFO's, ET's and their technology, today announces additional conclusive DNA & Scientific analysis findings: The 'Atacama Humanoid' featured in 'Sirius,' was male and survived post-birth 6 to 8 years.

'Ata' - The Atacama Humanoid

Los Angeles ,CA (PRWEB) April 16, 2013

Last week, the upcoming documentary film team behind 'Sirius' released an announcement about the scientific study of a DNA sequenced humanoid of unknown classification, known as the 'Atacama Humanoid.'

The announcement went viral immediately, quickly becoming the most popular story on the Huffington Post for three days, generating 4,300 comments, 32,000 FB 'Likes' and additional coverage by various other news agencies. The film's trailer on YouTube, has now generated a combined 1.1 million views. In response to the numerous questions raised by the film's trailer release, Dr. Steven Greer and the team behind 'Sirius' are now revealing more details about the results of the scientific studies that are documented in the film.

A DNA sample from bone marrow extracted from the specimen, was prepared, sequenced, and analyzed by a top research scientist at a prestigious American university. For security purposes, 'Sirius' has withheld details on the university and researcher, but will be revealing both along with additional DNA analysis results from the 'Atacama Humanoid' on or before the release of 'Sirius' on the 22nd of April.

Today, the team has elected to share the following additional 'Atacama Humanoid' conclusive findings: 'Ata' was male and survived post-birth 6 to 8 years.

Speaking specifically to Internet controversy over 'Ata,'..While it's size led many to suggest that it was an aborted fetus, bone density and epiphyseal plate studies have already concluded that this creature survived post-birth 6 to 8 years.

There will be considerably more DNA analysis results information released to the public on 'Ata,' the 'Atacama Humanoid,' as the team is calling him, between today and the 22nd.

In addition to documenting this ongoing scientific study, 'Sirius' explores the subject of UFO and ET visitation, the disclosure of secret UFO files, and the investigation of advanced energy and propulsion technologies extraterrestrial civilizations are using to travel to Earth. Based on an abundance of evidence and credible witness testimony, gathered across two decades by physician and Disclosure Project founder Dr. Steven Greer, 'Sirius' reveals how and why these energy technologies are being suppressed in favor of maintaining the current petrochemical system.

'Sirius' takes the oft-ridiculed or misrepresented subject of UFOs and extraterrestrials and subjects it to an unprecedented level of scientific rigor, as evidenced by the credentials of the scientists behind the study of the 'Atacama Humanoid,' capable of spearheading the ground-breaking scientific revelation of a never-before classified intelligent species.

The 'Sirius' film premieres in Los Angeles at the prestigious Regal Premiere Cinema at LA Live on Earth Day and will be released online and in select theaters worldwide, starting April 22.

To view the most recent 'Sirius' trailer and for more information, visit:
Is everyone watching the live stream right now? I can't believe they've just spent 11 months working on a "disclosure film" but when they interviewed the directer and another guy, they were asking "Do you think we are ready for disclosure?" and they both said NO!! haha what the hell? Aren't they trying to promote disclosure? That was really stupid, it's automatically made me not want to believe anything about this movie. I think they should have better discussed their answers to that sort of question. It's made me lose faith in the point of the film if their own directer doesn't think we're ready.
After watching the film I think a better answer to the question "do you think the public is ready for disclosure" should have been "I don't think we have much choice"
""It is time for the truth to be known: we are not alone in the Cosmos... and we are not alone - here on Earth."

Quote I am assuming from Dr. Greer.
I had wondered why a medical Doctor would be drawn into Ufology so many years ago. It seemed so " out of his standard" sort of....but now I am beginning to see the " method " in what seemed like madness at the time. As if he was being prepped somehow for the path that he has just taken regarding " Ata"..... I am just going to stand on the sidelines to see what develops next.... with just a point to consider.... this is a longstanding situation.... some have called it " Mulitgenerational".... and because of that large span of time you might miss what is actually happening because you are not able to remove yourself.... to get that eagles viewpoint.... but look at what different men have contributed and look what is happening now.... I sense that we have been given the opportunity to " soften" the " announcement that we are NOT ALONE... in fact NEVER HAVE BEEN.

But there is an urgency that I believe all of us have noticed. Not sure yet why that is... but I believe that you are right. It might be that we have been given all the chances to absorb this information than we are going to get.... it might be that soon we will have no choice. There seems to be a timeline running of some importance.....and we are not the only ones affected so maybe its time for us to simply " grow up" and get with the program.

After having watched the Sirius film last night, I was rather disappointed with the outcome. And was left feeling more frustrated than ever. I didn’t realise Greer had been advocating so far back, I had the idea that he was a medic and more recently changed his mind and went into UFOlogy. So I too see a “method” or a path that he was selected to take. As we know, nothing is as it seems, and I am a firm believer in that, so I will also stand on the sidelines and watch what happens.

I understand the viewer’s frustrations with having to pay to watch the film, I myself didn’t mind it until everyone else raised the point and it got me thinking. When donations were first invited by the Sirius team, I assumed we were donating toward a film that was going to be made and developed for the public to view freely, and that more than enough money would be pumped into it to be EPIC enough (so to speak) to grasp the attention of anyone who watched it, skeptics or not. Unfortunately, it failed in my mind and once again we’re back to where we were before it was released. I don’t feel that any skeptic would be remotely tickled by the documentary. They missed so much information and didn’t explain things properly!! I get that they only had 103 minutes to explain the phenomenon and new technology but they missed the mark completely.

I’ve actually seen better documentaries with smaller budgets (no offence) and I didn’t pay for them. I understand that the proceeds are going toward a free energy lab and I would happily donate $1000 to that, so I’m not complaining about the money, I’m simply disappointed in the lack of “disclosure” the film portrayed.

I thought one reason for this was because a lot of information is just too sensitive to show but when they touched on the 9/11 controversy and other “conspiracies” on the concept that secret societies and higher than government and law officials are running the show, it dawned on me that obviously they don’t really have as many boundaries as I thought.

So many people are complaining! I am losing faith in the whole idea, I’m just going to get on with my life now and forget about “disclosure” coming anytime in the near future.

Perhaps this whole thing is another money making scam just like everything else in this world. Perhaps steven greer has just found another way to profit out of the thought of there being extra-terrestrials visiting earth, it's not like it hasn't been done before, just not to this scale. What physicist wouldn’t want to get paid millions of dollars to sit in a lab and play with toys for the rest of their life? Not like they’re promising to come up with anything, just ‘research.’