Student tied to chair, mom upset

Truth Vibrations

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– An East Texas mother is hoping a substitute teacher will never be allowed in another school.

Melissa Baker says her 11-year-old son, Dakota has never been in any trouble before. He has been diagnosed with ADHD, but Melissa says he's a good student and he makes good grades.

On Thursday, Melissa says she was caught a little off guard when she got a phone call from the Principal of Kissam Intermediate saying her son had been tied up, in a chair.

"I'm wondering why the in the hell she did it," says Melissa.

Dakota says he got up from his desk to sharpen his pencil and get a Kleenex.

"And she said, 'quit getting up.' And my pencil broke again, and I went to sharpen it again and she said ‘take your jacket off.' And I went and sat down and took my jacket off and she wrapped it around me and tied me up," recalled Dakota.

Dakota says he was scooted outside the classroom, into the hallway. His principal walked by later and untied him.

"This was wrong. This was not right for my son," exclaims Melissa.

The Superintendent of Chapel Hill ISD issued this statement:

"We immediately contacted the student's parents and began an investigation. The safety and security of our students is our top priority. We are taking this situation very seriously."

The district would not release the teacher's name, for personnel reasons, but says she was not working on Friday.

Meanwhile, Melissa kept Dakota out of school on Friday, is considering relocating, and has contacted an attorney.

The district says it'll be making a decision soon about the substitute's employment.
I'd be upset too if I were her! The district shouldn't let the sub work for them anymore. I don't know why the mother would consider relocating though; it sounds like the principal is on her side.