Suspended Toronto student wants apology

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Emil Cohen says his suspension won't look good when he applies to universities.

The Toronto student who was punished for criticizing his school's physical education department says he wants a public apology and to have his suspension wiped from his school record.

Emil Cohen received a two-day suspension after criticizing the athletic department during an assembly at Northern Secondary in November. The 17-year-old was also barred from using the school's sports facilities, but his athletic privileges were reinstated Friday.

Now Cohen says he wants the suspension cleared from his record because he'll be applying to university soon.

"We're applying to university very, very soon and if this suspension is on my record then it's not going to look very good," the Grade 12 student said. "And also, we want an official apology from the school, so either in the newsletter for the school or over the PA system."

Cohen says after speaking with his principal he knows that getting his suspension rescinded won't be easy because there are differing opinions about it on the Toronto District School Board.

On Dec. 3, more than 100 students took part in a rally in Cohen's defence, and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association wrote the school board asking it to re-evaluate its decision to suspend him.