Thanksgiving Shocker/ Prophecies

Lady of Light

Seems to fit right in with whats going on:

Yesterday, after the Thanksgiving meal was served and dishes were cleared, an elderly relative turned to me when others left to watch football in
another room and said, "I am receiving communication from the creator." I thought, "Great, I'm in here by myself and I guess I'm the chosen one to hear your stories." This person had written down the following on a small piece of paper and handed it to me with the dates the messages were received.

March 4, 2009 Tell everyone to invest in buying food and supplies.
May 4, 2009 America is falling and breaking into pieces.
Oct. 9, 2009 Soon there will be very little rain and things will become
Oct. 21, 2009 The collapse of the dollar
Nov, 19, 2009 The United States and Germany are the strongest nations
among all the nations that are
interested in forming a global one world government.

This person is so mainstream, no signs of dementia, never on the computer and seemed very puzzled about these messages, but didn't doubt their validity. I asked if they were given during a dream and he said no, I was wide awake. He handed me the paper and proceeded to be quiet when the others returned.
I thought I would pass this on and get some feedback.

PS. this took me forever to type, I would type something and it would disappear and then the cursor was jumping all over the place like it had a mind of its own. Just weird.