The black knight is nothing but the carrier from the moon that transports the moon energy to the oceans, and habitats, that have dwelled your oceans even before the triangle race exitetd. Arace that you and your goverment are very familier with with..the reptillien race.
The black night has always been in your history...always.
It even dives, and comes in two sizes.
EVERY THING became unique amongst the parallel, of ocean, land and air Evolve-tat ion’ in the mist of ones balance amongst the energy. SO THAT ALL ENERGY CAN BE HAPPY, a balance of unique species dwelled the galaxies to commend to ones energy and loyally amongst the galaxies.
The land created humans and the
COPY WRITTEN BY LP527, IMG527, IMU527, IML527, CML527, LP527. 1.08 jan29th Est. time 3012.
The land created humans, and the oceans created the reptilian race, and the air created the harpy race.
….its…funny in the little experiments they have put down here for the human race to evolve.
Let’s take for instance, the bird and that entire fly’s. Would you be flying, would the brain have developed the matrix construction of an air plane or space ship? No.
A simple look at a bird gave man the knowledge to build one day. A flying vehicle that was blue printed by a simple bird.
The matrix of the…antenna, loll, looking at the common insect agave man the knowledge of…communication of the HIGHEST UNHEAREAD FREUQENCI.
The whale…the whale and the design of the submarine matrix, loll and the. Beautiful finding of sonar from the dolphin and whale and bat…that enables humans to fly….PERIOD.
THE DRAGON FLY gave humans the helicopter matrix, lmiaf.
The whale
A bird
A dragon fly
A bat
A dolphin
The alpha blue print, of what and how the brain can evolve the sight and imagination to reality, to a solid, on the surface of this realm.
We warned you in the bible as to not eat from the tree of knowledge, and now you not only have eaten but continually look for more of the knowledge that you have so greedily eaten from the tree of knowledge.
As the reptilian taught the east, and as the harpy taught the Middle East, it was very clear that the first galaxy war was inevitable to happen…but now we are at galaxy wars 3.’MIND CONTROLE’