This is a video that should chill the blood of every parent and focus their minds on the fascist state that Britain, the United States, and many other


Truth feeder
The video was posted here yesterday, but it is of such significance that it deserves to be highlighted once again.

These are four 'brave' police officers taking a 13-year-old child from his father four days before Christmas to take him into the*'care' of the Social Services Mafia when the boy does not want to go and simply wants to stay with his loving dad.*

The four brave police officers will say they were only doing their job or 'following orders' - which is what the defendants said at the Nuremberg Trials - and they are hiding their own lack of moral fibre and basic decency behind a piece of paper they claim justifies their grotesque behaviour.*

The fact that they went ahead and*kidnapped a distressed 13-year-old forcibly in handcuffs makes them as responsible for this horror as the Social Services tyranny of evil that instigated it through a compliant and corrupt court system.*

If these four excuses for 'men' could look their own kids and grandkids in the face this Christmas after what they did here, they are even more disgraceful and shameful*than they show themselves to be*in these pictures.*

The system imposes its fascist will upon the population because the population en masse allow it (pathetic)*and because of spineless,*gutless 'uniforms' like these (pathetic). If there were not the uniforms who would do this, it could not be done.
