Thousands feared dead as earthquake measuring 7.0 devastates Haiti


Truth feeder
David Gardner
UK Daily Mail
Tuesday , January 12th, 2010

Thousands of people are feared dead in Haiti after a massive 7.0 earthquake devastated one of the world’s poorest countries.​

Bloodstained bodies lay strewn in the street of the capital, Port-au-Prince, as the full horror of the disaster began to emerge in the early hours today.​

Eyewitnesses said gravely injured Haitians were crying out from the rubble, pleading for doctors as night fell. With the country in chaos and facing still more damage from a series of 30 aftershocks, their cries went mostly unheard.​

One hotel collapse in Port-au-Prince is feared to have claimed the lives of more than 200 people.

The destruction is said to be staggering, even in an impoverished nation accustomed to tragedy and disaster. The National Palace is in ruins, a major hospital crumbled and tens of thousands of people homeless.
