For this to not be so strange, first you need to wrap your head around what is said in Men In Black, the first movie, about the size of a galaxy. From our perspective, we see it as huge, but to other beings, it can be tiny. For example, think of a simple ant. To them, your house would be like a galaxy but to us it's just a shelter. The planet is like a whole universe, but to us it's just a planet. All about relative perspective.
Time and Space, Space and Time, is all relative and ultimately meaningless. Anything can be any size and our outside world can be inside contained in something small and our inside world can be bigger than we could ever imagine our outside world to be. Get it? I know it's confusing, but when you get it, you get it, it's just a matter of thinking and overthinking and then you never have to overthink again. get it? you will. With any luck, you WILL get it!