Too much cola causes male infertility: Study


Truth feeder
Press TV
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

While cola is becoming the most popular drink these days, a new study links the heavy consumption of the beverage with fertility problems in men.

According to the study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, men drinking more than one quart of cola every day are at an increased risk of becoming infertile.

Compared to men who did not drink cola at all, these men were reported to have about 30 percent lower sperm count, and were subsequently more prone to fertility problems.

The high caffeine content of soft drinks may not be responsible for the effect as previous studies failed to show such an association between heavy coffee drinkers and a decline in sperm quality, the study reported.

Full story here.

It's probably due to all the fluoride and god knows what other chemicals in the water they use to make it.

Remember, when looking at lists of ingredients on products, just because it says "water", doesn't mean there's nothing in the water. they could scoop water out of a dirty toilet, but legally, they only have to list that it's water, not water from a toilet bowl! Just something to keep in mind. Not everything is what it seems.