Vitamin D Information and Benefits

You get more vitamin D from the sun than you can from anything that you eat. Go out in the sun and enjoy the sun is not as harmful as they would like to make you think!
The sun helps us to produce more vitamin D than the recommended daily intake. What does that tell you? Vitamin D is very, very beneficial and we need it for our health. I have to agree with monkey, go outside, soak up the sun, enjoy your vitamin D.
Whenever possible get your vitamin D from natural sources such as the sun for fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin D do not get it from foods that are enriched with vitamin D and if you can avoid it do not take vitamin D pills but if you can't get it from natural source then definitely take the unnatural sources, especially during winter months.
Sun exposure is an easy, reliable way for most people to get vitamin D. Exposure of the hands, face, arms, and legs to sunlight two to three times a week for about one-fourth of the time it would take to develop a mild sunburn will cause the skin to produce enough vitamin D. The necessary exposure time varies with age, skin type, season, time of day...