War crime? U.S. Troops Fire on Iraqi Detainees (Video)


Truth feeder
Aaron Dykes
April 12, 2011

Shocking video has surfaced from 2005 of U.S. troops firing on captive Iraqi detainees at Camp Bucca following a riot. The soldiers seen in the video unload full force and even (what appears to be) a grenade round from behind barbed wire fences, while some laugh about direct hits.

From the You Tube channel*

Four detainees were killed and five others wounded. One soldier, seen in the video, comments that the prisoners are only throwing “dirt balls and a few rocks.” He was possibly trying to quell what appeared to be a near free-for-all shooting spree against captive targets. “Be decisive on what you f—— shoot,” he told the others.

According to*Press TV, the “US military tried to cover up the bloodshed, saying the riot happened when the prisoners confronted a search for contraband in the prison.” Instead, the ACLU found that the riot was due to the “desecration of the Holy Qur’an by US troops.”
