What does everyone think of "http://www.truinsight.com/purchase.htm" Real ufo stuff or a big scam?

Angry Christian

New member
The main site is http://www.truinsight.com/.... one of my friends came across this on kazaa the video was called "Ufo gate to hell", and "ufo gate to hell 4" he also downloaded the the "disclosure project", the steven greer stuff which was awsome... Now both of these guys storys link as weird as it is but this truinsight guy links the bible with his ufo knowledge which I found was a strange approach but I'm very open minded... So what do you guys think?
It's all a rip off and I'm sure the faithful are handing their money off to the people who are feeding their bank accounts.
If I had the money to burn I'd get UFO's Gateway thing. At least that looks like at least 5 percent may be true. The rest I would leave for other Coast To Coast AM fans.
Well I would -er like to respond in -ah a scientific manner but I-er-Am always afraid that someone might make fun of me. And start talking about me. Duh.