Euro Parliament considering brake on new diet


Euro Parliament considering brake on new diet
Monday, March 23, 2009

The European Parliament is considering the introduction of new foods to curb.

Nutrition with tiny nano-particles must be removed from the store until there are good tests exist. Meat or milk from cloned animals should be completely prohibited.

SP Euro-MP Kartika Liotard has a position on behalf of the parliament prepared. Wednesday is a scheduled vote. If EU countries agree later, the EU law.

The SP'ster against meat and other products from cloned animals, because many animal cloning causes. The animals seem a lot to show abnormalities.


Foods with nanotechnology (such as certain dietary supplements and sports drinks) to Liotard still not safe enough. For these foods with tiny particles, there is still no test to see whether they are hazardous to health.

Moreover, new products or crops from non-European countries, as ever the kiwi from New Zealand only welcome if they are fifty years of no health problems have caused is Liotard. The European Commission had proposed authorization''after a generation''.

Clone Animals

PvdA and GroenLinks NL. have been reported to support the report, particularly the ban on products from clone animals. They are also testing for other new products.

New things''such as meat substitute tival and the young broccoli bimi are safe, but we need them to standard procedures to test and approve. Since the consumer is entitled to''says PvdA'ster Dorette Corbey.

CDA MEP Lambert van Nistelrooij is not yet fully satisfied. He wants an accelerated approval process for certain ingredients.

Source: Now


New member

Because you are eating more frequently, you should eat a smaller portion at each meal or snack. If you are eating your normal portions, this won’t work!

This isn’t as hard as it sounds, because you just won’t be as hungry since you just ate 2 or 3 hours ago.

This means you absorb very little of the vitamins and minerals your body needs and that you are paying for. You can avoid this entirely by taking a natural liquid nutrient supplement.
