China could overtake US economy by 2030: World Bank


Truth feeder
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

HONG KONG (AFP) – China could overtake the United States as the world’s largest economy if it maintains annual growth of eight percent over the next 20 years, the World Bank’s chief economist said Wednesday.

China, which last year overtook Japan as the number-two economy, has already set a growth target of eight percent for 2011, and is aiming for seven percent a year from 2011 to 2015.

“China may become the largest economy in the world by 2030,” Justin Lin told an economic forum on China development in Hong Kong, saying its economic size may then be twice as large as the US, measured by purchasing power parity.

He said China has been the world’s fastest growing nation over the past two decades and grew at a “miracle” annual growth rate of 10.4 percent between 1990-2010, a sharp contrast to the performance of other transitional economies.

Full story here.
