Experts find Atlantis plunging through Google Ocean


Experts find Atlantis plunging through Google Ocean

The straight lines are visible on an image of the seabed of Google Ocean, there is absolutely no remains of the sunken city of Atlantis. The lines on the image of sonar measurements on the ground, reports the Daily Mail under the authority of Google. At the Canary Islands have ships in the soil map by straight and again to fly, so the linear pattern on the map is created.

Google Ocean made a similar image on an aerial 5.6 km depth at about 1000 km off the coast of northwest Africa, near the Canary Islands. It is an almost perfect rectangle, where straight lines are observed. The "found" sunken city would be so great would be if two thirds of Belgium, which is great. Plato has it in his writings about Atlantis have on concentric circles, is not about straight lines.

Google Ocean
Google Ocean is a new service from Google where users can explore virtual ocean. (belga / sam)

20/02/09 18u39
Read also: Lost City of Atlantis right?
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