[Inspiring] Lady of Light's Inspirational Photos with Words of Wisdom

Lady of Light

Thank you some good reminders.

I guess I was looking backwards there for a little bit, it's hard to let go of the past I'm not as bad as I used to be about it. :) Sometimes I still rant a little bit about it though and backslide.:apologetic:

I wouldn't worry about that. The idea is you have to address your past before you can truly move on. So taking that little backslide as you put it is ok. But you have to address it all, that's all. :) Rant away, you have that freedom. :)


New member
Thank you sometimes I have to be reminded of things all that "wool gathered" in my head. It's nice to be reminded I have a place to rant other than at my poor friend.
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Lady of Light

You'll always have a place here, if you choose to take advantage of that. :) As long as we're around, you can rant here. :)


New member
Thank you glad to know it. It's always good to let off some stress. :)

I had to turn off the computer for a a little bit down at the bottom of the screen by my frame I was noticing little yellow dashes. I don't know that was about they are gone now. :)
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Lady of Light

Here's a couple more I threw together on-the-fly! Enjoy!


I love this bird. I took this picture at Colasanti Tropical Gardens out in Kingsville. He looks so sneaky doesn't he? (I'm calling him a "he" but I don't know if "he" is a "he" or a "she".)



New member
Nice things to remember, I like the bird too, the sayings fits alot of people everywhere. So does the 2nd saying for that matter. Thank you for sharing. :)
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Lady of Light

I can think of MANY people that both of those fit rather well. The unfortunate part is, those people don't realize it themselves; and may never.

That bird looks like he's up to something, but I can't think of anything really good to put as a caption for him. I'm taking suggestions, and when I feel I have enough to go on, I'll be putting them all on the picture and posting them, probably in another thread because this one is for inspirational stuff, so I'm thinking maybe in the joke section.

I'll take the suggestions here in this thread, because that's where the picture is currently. After I get some together, suggestions can be made wherever it ends up after that. :)


New member
How about for the bird an old saying, but with a twist, but "I think I can, I think I can: Oh, darn: no I'd better not, a human is watching me."


New member
Thank you, i was going to leave it at I think I can twice but then I remembered you said you took a photo of him/her and thought of that as an add on. :) Looks like a beautiful peaceful area where you were at. :) I used to like the beach haven't been in years and now it's out of my way and budget to go to and takes to much time.. When I went one bus used to take me there, now the local TPTB (the greedy morons) split up the route so you have to transfer and they make more money. The main route to get to the transfer point runs every half hour I have no clue as to what the beach route runs.

The other day I went walked 8 blocks to the store, did some shopping for both my friend and I hers was personal, mine was food, one thing she does get is the meals on wheels (I unfortunately am not old enugh for that) I missed the bus and i don't care to be standing around in that area walked the 8 blocks back the whole thing took me two hrs. Ridiculous huh?

P.S. I did as you suggested. I think it did help. :)

Lady of Light

I've decided that my next images that I post will all be in their own threads. That way, any discussion on them is for each their own and not as a group. Also, it is to gain more exposure on my photography. I will be posting more pictures shortly as I'm working on some now. :)