Tunisia on way to pro-USrael military coup


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After successfully dumping Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt through a military coup last month, the US-Israel ‘axis of evil’ are now playing a similar dirty game against al-Nahda government in Tunisia.

Both the so-called “Islamist regimes” were established “democratically” to replace the old pro-USrael military dictatorships of Hosni Mubarak and Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali as result of the so-called ‘Arab Spring’, a brainchild of the State Department and pro-Israel lobby groups within both Republicans and Democratic parties – and the Jewish Freedom House. The purpose of the Arab Spring is to destablize the Muslim nation-states for the benefit of the Zionist entity.

Tunisia is in grip of anti-government mass protests as result of murders of two secularist opposition leaders, Chokri Balaid and MP Mohammed Brahmi. A Saudi-funded Salafi militant group is suspected behind the murders by Tunisian military.

On Friday, Tunisian forces launched an air and ground operation against the so-called “Islamic militants” to clean-up the Chaambi mountain area near the Algerian border. Since the spring, several members of the security forces have been killed or wounded by explosive devices.

A military source also said Friday that a group of Salafis were arrested in a Kasserine mosque.

President Moncef Marzouki, a pro-American secular ally of the ruling moderate Islamic group al-Nahda, has been meeting with leaders of several parties demanding the coalition government’s resignation in the wake of the killings.

Prime Minister Ali Larayedh of al-Nahda held talks with the General Union of Tunisian Labor (UGTT) head, Houcine Abassi, whose organization called a general strike earlier this week and wants the formation of a government of technocrats.

Mona Eltahaway, an Egyptian-born American Islamophobe journalist, speaking in February, 2011, at pro-Israel Jewish J Street’s national conference spilled the beans. She praised young Tunisian and Egyptian protesters, who had managed to get rid of the ‘unriddable’ – Ben Ali and Mubarak – through a beautiful, nonviolent revolution in which not one country’s flag was burned, in which not one anti-Israeli or anti-American sentiment was expressed, because it was about Tunisia and it was about Egypt.

“Tunisia is one of the few countries in the Arab world that has cadets in all the military academies of the United States, where about 5,000 senior Tunisian officers received training. This military caste also had French training, after having supported the dictator Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, who they unofficially ousted when he had already been overthrown by a popular uprising. Today, as the clash between the Islamists and the secular parties grows sharper, there is in the Tunisian left those who appeal to this military caste for a “solution” of Egyptian type, i.e., an armed intervention against the Islamic party, “the common enemy, ” wrote Manlio Dinucci at the Global Research, July 31, 2013.

Jewish-controlled ABC, NBC, FoxNews, CNN, Washington Times, etc. have already started anti-al-Nahda media campaign.

Rob Prince, a Jewish journalist and lecturer of International Studies at the University of Denver, posted the following comment on my blog on January 21, 2013.

“Thank you for citing my article. Find most of your comments of interest. One thing – I do not prefer Tunisia under Ben Ali. far from it. Unfortunately in Tunisia since the changes, `it will get worse before it gets better’ – for Tunisian Jews and for everyone eles. This I was told by a Tunisian Jewish friend and in a nutshell it sums up the situation there. other than that, you quote me accurately,” best wishes, Rob Prince

Tunisia on way to pro-USrael military coup | Rehmat's World