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    Max Blumenthal on Racism and Violence in Israel

    The Jewish columnist and author, Max Blumenthal, in his new book, ‘Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel’, recounts his personal experience while reporting from the Zionist entity for four years. ”I was most surprised at the banality of the racism and violence that I witnessed and how...
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    Was Jesus Christ ‘Invented’?

    I must admit, my Christian study, got shaky recently. First I was surprised to find out that one of America’s leading Islamophobes, Bill O’Reilly, in his new book Killing Jesus: A History, has claimed that Mel Gibson was right - Jews did kill Jesus Christ. It’s reported that Abraham Foxman...
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    Yellen and the “Den of Thieves”

    President Barack Obama is being hailed by the Jewish lobby for his nomination of current vice-Chairwoman Dr. Janet Yellen, 67, as the next Chairman of the Federal Reserve, country’s central bank. She is being credited with being “the first woman to hold that position”, after “approval from the...
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    Erdogan: ‘Keep Turkey-Israel collaboration in secret’

    On October 8, 2013, Iran’s Fars News Agency reported that Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has urged senior political and security members of his cabinet to keep secret any news about his government’s relations and cooperation with the Zionist regime on different issues concerning...
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    If you’re Black, hire a Jewish lawyer!

    “There is no doubt in my mind that the criminal system in the United States is racist. As a result, poor Black men find themselves defendants in the criminal cases every day. By law, they must have a lawyer. That lawyer is not infrequently Jewish. Blacks and Jews are slogging through the...
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    Tales of two Muslim Malalas

    This post is about two Muslim females from Pakistan and neighboring occupied Afghanistan. Malala Yousafzai, a western ‘mockingbird’ from Swat (Pakistan), and secularist MP Malalai Joya, who, was kicked out of the Afghan Parliament under Hamid Karazai rule for calling the US occupation being...
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    Madagascar, Israel and the Organ traffickers

    On October 2, two Europeans suspected of human organ trafficking were burned alive by the residents on the island of Nosy Be. Nosy Be is an island off the tip of mainland Madagascar and is a major attraction for Israeli and European tourists for its turquoise waters and white-sand beaches. Last...
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    India celebrates Gandhi’s 144th Birthday

    Yesterday, Indian Congress and Hindutva leaders paid glowing tributes to KM Gandhi on his 144th birthday. The leaders who attended the ceremony at Gandhi Memorial (Rajghat), included President Pranab Mukherjee, vice-President Hamid Ansari, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, ruling Congress Party...
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    N. Korea to Netanyahu: “Israel is a Cancer”

    Yesterday, diplomats at the UN General Assembly (UNGA) watch the disgusting replay of the drama from Book of Esther. Benjamin Netanyahu played the part of Haman, the former Jewish prime minister of Persia. He called for the new Holocaust of Iranian people. Over 2,000 years ago, Haman committed...
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    ‘Jewish Jesus’ at NY Jewish Museum

    The Jewish Museum in New York is running an art exhibition of Russian Jew artist Marc Chagall (born Moishe Segal, 1887-1985). The exhibition, titled, ‘Love, War, and Exile‘, displays 53 of Marc’s artwork including his paintings on Jesus and the Cross produced between 1930-1948. The exhibition...
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    Sudan back on US-Israel radar

    The US State Department and Jewish NGOs trained and funded Arab Spring protests have hit Khartoum and Omdurman behind the smokescreen of government’s decision to cut fuel subsidies. On September 27, Sudanese interior minister Ibrahim Mahmoud speaking at a radio talk show said that police has...
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    Obama: ‘Hello President Rouhani. Bye bye Bibi’

    There was no handshake between Barack Obama and Hassan Rouhani at the UN General Assembly meeting in New York. Was it due to Jewish Lobby pressure, as we were told? The Jewish TIME magazine reported on September 27 that Iranian president Rouhani had declined an earlier request to meet with Obama...
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    ADL: ‘Thou shalt not blame Israel for Syrian mess’

    Abraham Foxman, head of the Anti-Dafamation League (ADL), one of America’s top Israel lobby groups, issued a statement on September 18, 2013, claiming that people who blame Israel or Jews for the bloodshed in Syria or America’s military threats against Syria – are conspiracy theorists and...
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    Rwandan President Kagame in Canada

    The leaders of African communities from Rwanda, Burundi, Congo and Tanzania in Canada have petitioned the pro-Israel Harper government in Ottawa not to allow Rwandan president Paul Kagame to enter Canada on September 27-28, 2013. The petition reminds Harper government that Kagame is world...
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    Pope Francis, Jews and poor Jesus

    Pope Francis in an open letter published by Rome’s newspaper La Repubblica on September 11, 2013, has claimed: “Christians have rediscovered that the Jewish people are the holy root from which Jesus germinated“. In June 2013, Francis met a 30 Jewish leaders from the International Jewish...
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    Canada’s Jewish ‘rescuer-spy’ in Syria

    After realizing that Barack Obama has lost his steam over a regime change in Damascus after receiving warnings from Moscow and Tehran – the Canadian Jewish Lobby’s top media mouthpiece, The National Post, recreated the story of Jewish holocaust in Syria before the current Baathist regime...
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    NYPD attacks anti-Petraeus protestors

    The readers of this blog would remember how the organized Jewry forced America’s top military icon, Gen. David Petreaus, former director of CIA to resign over a sex scandal last year. Now, the Israelized New York Police Department (NYPD) is out at the City University of New York (CUNY) campus to...
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    Belgian official website: ‘Israel = Nazi Germany’

    Belgian Jewish groups have blasted Belgian Education Ministry for one of its website equating German Jews under Nazi rule with Palestinians under Jewish occupation. It’s part of an exercise for the trainee teachers drawing comparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany. The excercise...
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    Israeli historian: 'Jews are not Semitic people’

    Israeli historian, professor Eran Elhaik (Johns Hopkins University) in a study published by the Genome Biology And Evolution on December 5, 2012, had claimed that the European Jews (Ashkenazis) are not Semitic (Hebrew) people but are decendents of Khazarian Turkic tribes. This revelation by a...
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    Egypt joins Israel’s Grand Design

    In 1968, John Mitchell Henshaw, wrote in The American Mercury: “The grand design of Judaic-Zionist expansionist doctrine is to seize all the oil-rich lands from the shores of the Euphrates to the banks of the Nile.” “According to the Zionists’ schedule of operations, within a decade Israeli...