A very important video please watch......


Roba asked me to post this for all to benefit happy watching.......ricklbert

This guy seems a little out of whack but what he will tell you will help you with your financial burdens that make our lives a part of the rat race.....

How to discharge just about all debts and so called bills by understanding the rules that many want to remain hidden.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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very interesting, wished it was like that here in the u.s. i would like to give that a try. boy could i buy some nice christmas gifts if i did not have to pay my, power bill.......:laugh:
The below text clearly shows that this 96 # is a remittance of voucher and is clearly in the ON US field i have added the pdf from the CRA you can find this exactly were the gentleman in the video states it is......

This can be found about three quarters through the pdf
Rule H6
Part II
Page 18

Rules Pertaining to the Inter-financial Institution
Exchange and Settlement of Bill Payment Remittances

This section describes the specifications for the application of CPA Standard 006: "Standards and
Specifications for MICR Encoded Documents", to paper-based Remittances. As such, it should
be read in conjunction with CPA Standard 006. The following additions/exceptions shall be
Detailed diagrams of the placement of information to appear in the MICR reserved area appear in
Appendices I and II of Part II of this Rule. All specifications contained in CPA Standard 006
remain applicable; however layout changes are as follows:
(a) Amount Field: Character positions 11-2 inclusive shall be reserved for
the Remittance Amount.
(b) On-Us Field:
i) Transaction Code Section: Code 96, to indicate it is a Remittance, shall be
located anywhere within the four positions of the
Transaction Code Section. The remaining two
positions shall be blank.

ii) Account Number Section: Character positions 31-19 inclusive shall be
reserved for Corporate Creditor Defined Data. It
is an optional field at the discretion of the
Corporate Creditor.
(c) Transit Number Field: Character positions 36, 35 and 34 (in this order) shall be
the first three digits of the CCIN. Positions 42, 41, 40,
39, and 38 (in this order) shall be the last five digits of
the CCIN. (Note: Character position 36 shall be '9' in all
(d) Auxiliary On-Us Field: Character positions 57-46 inclusive shall also be
reserved for Corporate Creditor Defined Data. It is an
optional field at the discretion of the Corporate Creditor.
This format allows the Corporate Creditor Defined Data to be placed in two fields of the MICR line.
FIs shall first read data in the Auxiliary On-Us Field, followed by data in the Account Number


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hi all , i saw these vids today and was facinated .It really looks like you could pay your bills etc ,however ,I decided to call vital stats bc and inquired about the number on the back of my birth certificate
I was informed by a nice lady there that this number was not in fact a tracking number for a bond or security .Waht was the number for i asked ?
She stated it was an inventory number for stock at vita stats .
I said what kind of stock ?
shes said "I dont know if you know anything about inventory but its a number '
we use to keep track of the stock here .
hmm didnt she jsut say that ?
I thought I was on to something here and stil may well be .
so I said so its not for securities but for physical stock like paper ?
she said yes
So i said , would anyone be there be willing to issue me a signed letter to that effect ?

she told me to contact the CEO of Vitsts
if i wanted this . "she also said "this is a scam going around on the internet ..people trying to pay thier hydro bills
We have had lots of calls about it "

who is telling the truth here?
ID like to know where rob got his info
Im wondering if this just another coverup by the feds
stock has more than one meaning
stock can refer to securites or stock as in inventory .
has Rob tried this yet ?He seems t be the expert here ?
questions questions ? hmm
someone is lying

Im wondering too if the feds are now hip to this and the new certificates
have a number that in fact goes to a dead end like inventory ?
the old ones have "reveue number for treasury use only " and the number
the new ones only a number .
actully i was surprised to get some to actually tlak to me at stats . honestly
i thought they just put me on hold until i hung up :)
Im going to pursue this
by sending in a bill and see waht comes out of it .
If Rob M is reading this ,could you please reply as to my questions
MAybe it only works with the old certs
.. that is the one he showed ..
regardless i wil be sending a letter to the CEO and demanding
a signed statement regadring the lady and her official party line .
Stock has more than one meaning .and she `did use the word stock .
the great deception continues to thrive .
thank you
PEACE my brothers and sisters

Ephesians 4:22-25 - You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.

the word Lie;
A lie (also called prevarication, falsehood) is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement, especially with the intention to deceive others, often with the further intention to maintain a secret or reputation, protect someone's feelings or to avoid a punishment or repercussion for one's actions. To lie is to state something that one knows to be false or that one does not honestly believe to be true with the intention that a person will take it for the truth. A liar is a person who is lying, who has previously lied, or who tends by nature to lie repeatedly - even when not necessary