
Most distant object ever observed
Monday, May 4, 2009


Scientists with the European Very Large Telescope in Chile a gammaflits observed at a distance of 13.1 billion light years. This is the Thursday observed gamma flits, GRB 090423, named the earliest and most distant object ever observed. The gamma flits actually the explosion of an extremely heavy star, was only 640 million years after the Big Bang instead.

Gamma Flashes come in two variants: a short version (which is less than one second to complete) and a long version (which may take several minutes), which in both cases a huge amount of energy released. Short gamma bursts are considered the result of compact stars (neutron stars, for example) that are in conflict. The long (and better known) variant is considered to be the result of an extremely heavy star (which may be 100 solar masses or more) that are consumed fuel and collapse. The result is an explosion, but no ordinary supernova! Instead, one speaks of a "hyper-nova.

In a hyper-nova collapsed core of the star directly to a black hole and the explosion of the rest of the star toward the black hole-conducting. Some will along the poles of the black hole be shot away in the form of two high energy beams of radiation. If the earth right in the path of this radiation is, we see a gamma flits. The total energy release of such gamma flits is much more than the energy emitted by the sun - during its entire life welt mean! They apply even if the most energetic phenomena in the cosmos.

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Source: astrostart