
  1. 100th Monkey

    Drunken Ben Bernanke Tells Everyone At Neighborhood Bar How Screwed U.S. Economy Is

    This is fake news from the onion: August 3, 2011 SEWARD, NE—Claiming he wasn't afraid to let everyone in attendance know about "the real mess we're in," Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke reportedly got drunk Tuesday and told everyone at Elwood's Corner Tavern about how absolutely...
  2. Unhypnotized

    US faces ‘difficult’ tax choices: Bernanke

    AFP Thursday, April 8, 2010 WASHINGTON (AFP) – Facing unsustainable budget deficits, the United States will have to make difficult choices between higher taxes and social spending, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said. Wading into a fiercely contested political debate, Bernanke said...
  3. R

    [Breaking news!] Ron Paul Smokes Bernanke

    Ron Paul Smokes Bernanke YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.