
  1. 100th Monkey

    Benjamin Fulford, February 4, 2014

    Expect the fireworks to begin after the Lunar New Year’s celebrations end Weekly geo-political news and analysis Full Report: blogdog: Ben Fulford February 4, 2014 Expect the fireworks to begin after the Lunar New Year?s celebrations end
  2. 100th Monkey

    Pentagon Warns to Expect "Radical" US Government Change Soon (Sorcha Faal)

    All these warnings, what are they preparing us for? Pentagon Warns To Expect “Radical” Change In US Government Soon
  3. Boiling Frog

    Never Before Seen Video footage of 2011 Japan Tsunami

    Just wanted to share this here: It's worth the 25 min, so you know what to expect if you are ever in the situation.
  4. Lady of Light

    Aug. 2nd, 2011: Economic doomsday?

    What can Americans expect to happen?
  5. M

    Super Bowl ads?

    While I don't think they are actually worth the reason to tune in, they always come up with something inventive, what do you expect we will get to see this year?
  6. D


    Im Diana, im new. Dunno what to expect haha
  7. M

    A Luge Death of Nodar Kumaritas shows danger of Whistler Track

    Sorry, can't put my feelings into words. Expect this. May Mr. Kumaritas RIP after this.