
  1. W

    [Must Read!] I want to put a live chat room on my site, any ideas how to do this?

    Hi, I have a website and quite a few members have suggested that adding a chat room would be a great idea. I'm searching for something I might be able to integrate well into my site. Has anyone tried RumbleTalk or C-box?
  2. White Rabbit

    Scientific community forced address public on 'chemtrails'

    Chemtrails are becoming so widely know the MSM is not running stories about it! PDF: 'Climates of suspicion: 'chemtrail' conspiracy narratives and the international politics of geoengineering" http://www.geoengineering-governance...uspicion-1.pdf In the Daily Mail...
  3. 2

    Does anyone have this problem with cable? English in living room Spanish in bedroom

    Unfortunately, we have Comcast x finity and generally not happy with the service all together, yet am leery of switching to satellite or dish because I hear the service skyrockets after the first year. Is this true? So to the problem. Has anybody heard of two different languages being...
  4. Truth Vibrations

    Statue of Liberty: A Secret Room Uncovered

    A work crew uncovers a secret room hidden beneath the Statue of Liberty. It might have been a powder storage room. Source
  5. White Rabbit

    Will Smith's son asks Obama about aliens

    "I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of extra-terrestrials..." Will Smith was left red-faced after his son asked U.S. President Barack Obama if aliens are real during a visit to the White House. The Men in Black star banned his son Jaden from asking the extra-terrestrial question...

    The Formula

    “Some people would pay a lot of money for that information.” It wasn’t said with menace, but that was the effect. In her purse she had the tiniest camera anyone in the control room had ever seen. Like many widows her age she had transferred her suspicion from the Germans to the Russians. Berlin...


    Air an instrument of the tongue, The tongue an instrument Of the body, the body An instrument of spirit, The spirit a being of the air. A bird the medium of its song. A song a world, a containment Like a hotel room, ready For us guests who inherit Our compartment of time there. In the Cornell...

    Depression Glass

    It must have been October, right after the annual hanging of the winter drapes and the ceremonial unrolling of the rug from its summer sleep behind the sofa. Gone were the slipcovers, leaving the upholstery stripped down to warm arms again, and the little living room transformed into a mother...

    In the Room of Glass Breasts

    Around each word we're hearing, there spins an original flame; the unborn wait in a circle of commas, upright robins wheel to Wheeler & termites with arms in their heads dig under the chairs— It is impossible to describe the world; that's why you get so sleepy listening to poetry...
  10. CASPER

    Odor plume, mellifluous humming, thick syrup

    made from nectar, calyx: cave of bees— wild Eden come to this: a room next to a similar room where women are cared for. Where are the men? my mother asks in a tone suggesting God's interference. There was one who gardened, his head bent over a bed of roses; between her and him only a window...
  11. CASPER

    Three Poems after Montale

    i. Mistletoe, a city of snapshots taped to plaster, blue bottles and a fire's fitful sparks the only glimmers of warmth in your new lodgings. For you, this season without wreaths, I would manhandle a city, conjure a drizzle, then soften it to snow, paint lampposts deep reds and greens and so...
  12. FACE33

    Pregnant at 71

    A woman went to the doctor's office where she was seen by one of the younger doctors. After about four minutes in the examination room, she burst out screaming as she ran down the hall. An older doctor stopped her and asked what the problem was, and she told him her story. After...
  13. CASPER

    Renting a Room

    To rent a room in Damyang or Changpyung to visit like a chipmunk, I looked in every village I came across. Walking past a place in Jasil, I saw common flowers in the yard between a traditional Korean house and a modern annex. When I entered through the open gate, a man was sharpening his scythe...
  14. CASPER

    GhostWatch at Ireland's Eye

    In 1912, Helena Blunden was a 16-year-old worker in an Irish linen mill who had aspirations to be an opera singer. Hurrying to get to a concert one evening, she tripped on a mop and fell over a stair railing to her death. Her spirit, they say, still haunts the mill. Her footsteps have been heard...
  15. CASPER


    This new weather opens on a silent hinge with you as its famous protagonists. In a blizzard of a hundred demeanours you people the air with the many white gestures your body made in room after room darkening on the stairs throwing a door open to the light, striding in bending gently over a...